Trouvez les pays africains utilisant (ou ayant utilisé) cette monnaie.
Deux zones se distinguent: l'Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine (UEMOA) et la Communauté Economique et Monétaire de l'Afrique Centrale (CEMAC)
Hi Lucasaar, Thanks for your suggestion about sequencing Most Famous clues by percentage, not alphabetically. The reasoning behind sequencing alphabetically is so that as people get the easier ones, the alphabetic order provides a bit of a clue as to what the harder ones will be. With only 20 names, it is quite easy to sequence the answers as you read down the answers at the end anyway, and since they don't have to be answered in a specific order, you have to provide exactly the same answers either way. I've posted a reply to Most Famous Currencies inviting others to say what they think, to see if there is a strong overall preference one way or the other. Cheers, Jeremy
Hi again, Interesting comment you made on Cambodia Country Quiz about the English translation for Khmer Rouge. Even in English, we say "Khmer Rouge". You never hear the term "Red Khmer". English people never say "Red Moulin" either.