Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Assassin, disturbed religious fanatic, mentally unstable and self harms | Helena | 89%
Former con artist, has a daughter called Kira, born in the UK but raised in America | Sarah Manning | 89%
Police detective, series begins with her suicide, was suspended from police | Beth Childs | 83%
"Soccer mom", married, has two adopted children, let Aynsley die | Alison Hendrix | 78%
Born Antoinette, transgender clone, frequently injects testosterone | Tony Sawicki | 64%
Killed by Helena via sniper rifle, suffering from serious illness making her cough blood | Katja Obinger | 60%
Raised by Neolutionists, works at high-rank in Dyad Institute, speaks fluent German | Rachel Duncan | 60%
#324B21, majoring in "evo-devo", phD microbiology student | Cosima Niehaus | 57%
Eight year old clone, raised by adoptive mother Marion, has one disabled leg | Charlotte Bowles | 48%
Resided in Paris in France, was presumed dead before the start of the series | Danielle Fouriner | 22%
Teacher and swim coach, suffers from respiratory illness which she died from | Jennifer Fitzsimmons | 17%
Lived in Salzburg, Austria and believed to already be dead before the start of the series | Janika Zingler | 8%
Believed to have lived in Rome, Italy, presumed dead before the beginning of series | Aryanna Giordano | 7%
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