Suggested Quizzes

Simpsons Characters Quiz0-4.43147,204
1980s WWF Wrestlers Quiz0-3.0819,382
Street Fighter 2 Characters Quiz0-4.1820,238
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Lyrics0-4.83572,071
Who Did That 1980s Song #10-4.28154,199
Original Mortal Kombat Characters0-4.0539,290
2000s Catchphrases0-2.97342,445
Simpsons Trivia Quiz #20-3.8242,371
Simpsons Trivia Quiz #30-3.7435,503
Simpsons Trivia Quiz #40-4.1333,381
Unpossible Simpsons Trivia Quiz0-3.8122,642
1980s One Hit Wonders Quiz0-3.8025,420
Who Did That 1970s Song #10-4.4578,793
Saved by the Bell Characters Quiz0-3.5428,087
1960s Catchphrases0-4.1396,648
1980s Catchphrases0-3.78179,320
Family Guy Trivia #10-4.41123,453
TV / Movie Actors Quiz0-4.18123,476
Cartoon Villains Quiz0-4.41195,094
1980s Movie Taglines Quiz0-4.1636,001
1990s Movie Taglines Quiz0-4.1037,471
Recent Movie Taglines Quiz0-4.2752,270
Livin' on a Prayer Lyrics Quiz0-4.2385,274
Don't Stop Believin' Lyrics Quiz0-4.39208,575
The Simpsons - Quote to Character0-3.7435,978
Original 151 Pokémon0-4.87707,905
Who Did That 1960s Song #10-4.2842,834
Who Did That 1970s Song #20-4.1947,540
Who Did That 1980s Song #20-4.2365,896
Who Did That 1990s Song #20-4.2346,921
Who Did That 2000s Song #20-4.0491,117
Who Did That 1960s Song #20-4.4535,829
Top 100 NES Video Games0-4.2019,345
2011 Year in Review0-4.1540,801
1980s Movie Quotes Quiz0-4.0940,409
Oscar Best Animated Films by Picture0-4.8384,640
Who Did That Power Ballad Quiz0-3.8236,321
Michael Jackson Songs Quiz0-4.0322,512
1990s Movie Quotes0-4.2890,256
Glee Characters0-3.1423,818
Locations on The Simpsons0-4.2813,322
Game of Thrones Houses Quiz0-4.5673,285
#1 Hits of the 2000s0-4.26169,601
#1 Hits of the 1990s0-4.2984,039
Futurama Characters Quiz0-4.4216,752
#1 Hits of the 1980s0-4.79124,902
Woodstock Performers0-4.529,937
#1 Hits of the 1970s0-4.3876,040
#1 Hits of the 2010s0-4.40258,367
Doctor Who Actors0-4.5316,524
Friends Episodes0-3.9838,392
Breaking Bad Trivia0-4.2647,275
Hair Band Songs Quiz0-4.1827,130
Simpsons Quotes Quiz0-4.3639,011
Fads of the 1970s0-4.2027,388
Fads of the 1990s0-4.0635,315
Fads of the 1980s0-4.1235,354
Simpsons Trivia Quiz #10-3.7533,842
1990s Catchphrases0-4.13156,127
The Office Trivia #10-4.3576,864
Characters from The Office0-4.3940,426
Last Names from The Office (U.S.)0-4.2921,879
Who Did that Glee Song0-3.928,805
Friends Trivia0-4.12145,832
Seinfeld Trivia #10-4.5529,978
Seinfeld Trivia #20-4.2415,627
Who Did That 1990s Song #10-4.2158,834
Who Did That 1990s Song #30-4.0340,511
2000s Movie Co-Stars0-4.2136,642
1990s Movie Co-Stars0-4.0731,775
1980s Movie Co-Stars0-4.1214,351
Who Did That 2000s Song #10-4.2068,903
Seinfeld Quotes0-4.1825,448
Simpsons Last Names Quiz0-4.1440,977
1990s Albums0-4.1822,070
1980s Albums0-4.3841,005
2000s Albums0-4.0814,559
1970s Albums0-4.3524,812
Highest Grossing 1990s Movies0-4.4998,185
Highest Grossing 1980s Movies0-4.4460,105
Highest Grossing 1970s Movies0-4.2126,846
2012 Year in Review0-4.0344,875
Who Did That 1980s Song #30-4.4244,864
Pokémon Types0-4.31197,321
TV Shows by Opening Narration0-4.4517,164
I Will Survive Lyrics0-4.2034,059
G1 The Transformers Quiz0-4.5019,929
Friends Theme Song Lyrics0-4.30126,019
The George W. Bush Presidency0-4.0630,594
The Bill Clinton Presidency0-4.1329,829
The George H. W. Bush Presidency0-4.3620,279
The Ronald Reagan Presidency0-4.2523,269
The Jimmy Carter Presidency0-4.3417,776
The John F. Kennedy Presidency0-4.3840,356
2013 Year in Review0-4.3039,222
Music by Year, 1950–19690-4.4228,245
Movies by Year, 1950–19690-4.5020,305
TV and Movie Character Creators0-4.6420,315
100 Best Songs of the 2000s0-4.0633,415
1980s Celebrities0-4.2916,650
The 17th Century0-4.4041,983
Game of Thrones Last Names0-4.4190,222
Fresh Prince of Bel Air Characters0-3.756,903
People Portrayed by Andy Warhol0-4.1622,654
2014 Year in Review0-4.4030,252
Back to the Future Trivia0-4.5632,153
#1 Hits of the 1960s0-4.5537,772
2014 Ebola Outbreak Countries0-4.3612,328
Word Puzzles - TV Titles #10-4.5429,959
Simpsons Parodies0-3.9310,699
1990s American TV Trivia0-3.7311,396
2000s American TV Trivia0-4.1219,413
1990s Music Trivia #10-4.2346,543
1990s Movie Trivia #10-4.3647,942
1990s Movie Trivia #20-4.3337,552
2000s Movie Trivia #10-4.4851,844
2000s Movie Trivia #20-4.1324,770
2000s Music Trivia #20-4.0346,935
2000s Decade Quiz0-4.0999,223
1980s American TV Trivia0-4.1012,684
All the Pokémon (#0001 to #1025)0-4.96115,739
1980s Decade Quiz0-4.3169,175
1980s Movie Trivia #10-4.4827,943
1980s Movie Trivia #20-4.2518,418
1980s Music Trivia #10-4.1426,465
1980s Music Trivia #20-4.1619,982
1970s Movie Trivia0-4.2519,370
1970s American TV Trivia0-4.0911,736
1970s Music Trivia0-4.2528,544
1970s Decade Quiz0-4.1347,903
1960s Decade Quiz #10-4.2746,210
1960s Decade Quiz #20-4.3640,329
1960s American TV Trivia0-4.1111,024
1960s Music Trivia0-4.3821,646
1960s Movie Trivia0-4.2716,655
1950s Decade Quiz0-4.2645,362
1940s Decade Quiz0-4.2747,605
1930s Decade Quiz0-4.1445,666
1920s Decade Quiz0-4.2545,803
1910s Decade Quiz0-4.1049,248
1900s Decade Quiz0-4.0541,182
1890s Decade Quiz0-4.1337,297
1880s Decade Quiz0-4.1436,869
1870s Decade Quiz0-4.2034,298
1860s Decade Quiz0-4.2437,819
2000s Oscar Best Actress Nominees0-4.2912,325
A Quiz About Elvis Presley0-4.3219,671
Places Mentioned in the Song "Kokomo"0-4.4215,907
Parks and Recreation Trivia0-4.5318,260
Girls of Mambo Number 50-4.3517,537
Friends A-Z0-4.1935,157
Top Box Office Stars of the 1990s0-4.2529,461
Simpsons Decoder0-4.3929,557
2010s Music Trivia0-4.2675,836
Main Friends Characters and Actors0-4.3846,652
Pokémon with King in Their Name0-4.7022,571
Things that Alanis Morissette Finds "Ironic"0-4.2721,099
2010s Obituaries0-4.4624,730
The Barack Obama Presidency0-4.1723,099
1950s Celebrities by Picture #20-4.2541,595
1950s Celebrities by Picture #10-4.1546,097
Friends - Finish the Quote0-4.4431,392
1960s Celebrities by Picture #10-4.1962,773
1960s Celebrities by Picture #20-4.2045,529
1970s Celebrities by Picture #10-4.2451,608
1970s Celebrities by Picture #20-4.1345,294
People in Pictures with Ronald Reagan0-4.3036,650
1980s Celebrities by Picture #10-3.9854,783
1980s Celebrities by Picture #20-4.1462,735
1990s Celebrities by Picture #10-4.0570,884
1990s Celebrities by Picture #20-4.0462,907
2000s Celebrities by Picture #20-4.0481,412
2010s Celebrities by Picture #10-4.15143,107
2010s Celebrities by Picture #20-4.06123,521
2016 News Stories - Name the Country0-4.4321,827
2016 Obituaries0-4.0617,398
1940s Celebrities by Picture0-4.3737,561
1850s Decade Quiz0-4.2532,392
1840s Decade Quiz0-4.2134,990
NBA Top Ten in MVP Voting – 2010s0-4.4827,104
Sherlock Holmes Quiz0-4.4820,481
Brat Pack Actors0-4.326,586
Ghostbusters Quiz0-3.665,461
1980s Movies by Plot0-4.2127,078
"We Are the World" Solo Musicians0-4.109,452
Indiana Jones0-3.499,478
Game of Thrones Characters by Screen Time0-4.5675,909
Quiz on the Year 19970-4.2718,356
The Office - Dunder Mifflin Branches0-4.3020,966
Highest Grossing 1960s Movies0-4.4820,673
Word Chain - The Simpsons0-4.5729,276
Quiz on the Year 19980-4.2814,781
17th Century A-Z0-4.5423,497
Ways to Die in Oregon Trail0-4.1212,809
2019 Year in Review0-4.4031,891
The Office Trivia #20-4.1923,388
The Office Trivia - Multiple Choice0-4.2232,541
2010s Movie Trivia0-4.1932,349
2019 News Stories - Name the Country0-4.1016,674
FC Barcelona 2010's Starting XI0-4.6148,534