Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Second largest continent | Africa | 98%
Largest continent | Asia | 95%
Muhammed's religion | Islam | 95%
Land surrounded by water | Island | 95%
Ocean where the Titanic sank | Atlantic | 93%
Country Name | Ireland | 90%
Physical team game with an oval ball | Rugby | 89%
This country's capital | Dublin | 84%
Third most common native language | English | 84%
Empire that destroyed Carthage | Roman | 82%
Country Name | Algeria | 80%
Refined oil for your car | Gas | 79%
Built Macchu Piccu | Inca | 79%
Having no ocean border | Landlocked | 78%
Longest continental mountain range | Andes | 75%
Army led by Genghis Khan | Mongol | 75%
This country's eastern neighbor | Libya | 72%
Aboriginal or native people | Indigenous | 70%
Humorous, often ribald poem with 5 lines | Limerick | 66%
Country Name | Bolivia | 64%
Country Name | Myanmar | 59%
Hero this country is named after | Bolívar | 51%
Muslim commander, ruler or aristocrat | Emir | 45%
Existentialist author Camus | Albert | 40%
Las Vegas casino, ________ Bay | Mandalay | 30%
This country's capital | Naypyidaw | 24%
Wonton dish, crab _______ | Rangoon | 22%
Sea bordering India and this country | Andaman | 15%
Dynasty descended from the Norse | Normans | 13%
Santa Cruz international airport | Viru Viru | 5%
National epic, ____ Zatdaw | Yama | 5%
Carnaval location with "Devil dances" | Oruro | 3%
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