Wouldn't the dénouement be the resolution of the conflict itself? That's how I understand it in French at least; the given hint rather describes an "epilogue".
That seems correct. Signed: a native French speaker. Although the meaning of words tends to get twisted somewhat when they cross the English Channel, so idk how this specific one evolved.
I would say that a dénouement in literature is where the story is concluded, or wrapped up. I use it most in the sense of Poirot or Marple explaining who the murderer is and why.
Again, dystopia, at least in it's original sense, is not the opposite of utopia. It is a scenario where things *seem* like they might be a utopia, at least at first glance... but where something is off or not quite right. Hey, we have enough soylent green to feed everyone, that's great.. but... what's it made of? Hey, everyone in this future is young and beautiful and things seem great... but... that's weird.. why is it nobody is over 30 years old and what's this Carrousel you're talking about? Hey cool.. an interactive theme park where we can pretend to be cowboys and do anything we want and nobody ever gets hurt... or do they? etc. these are examples of dystopian stories. Not the Hunger Games, where... everything just sucks.
Have you got any references for that meaning? I've never seen it used with that specific meaning and none of the dictionaries I've consulted have it.
e.g. "an imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice, typically one that is totalitarian or post-apocalyptic." Oxford Dictionary of English
"an imagined world or society in which people lead wretched, dehumanized, fearful lives" Merriam-Webster
The Gunslinger is based on western tropes and multiple books in the series have similar settings and structure as well. It's not a perfect description but it's not hugely inaccurate
e.g. "an imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice, typically one that is totalitarian or post-apocalyptic." Oxford Dictionary of English
"an imagined world or society in which people lead wretched, dehumanized, fearful lives" Merriam-Webster
I can say "day-new-ma" but sure couldn't spell it!