
Literature by Letter - L

Identify these literary things that start with the letter L.
Quiz by Kestrana
Last updated: December 21, 2016
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First submittedOctober 30, 2016
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Average score70.0%
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J.R.R. Tolkien's epic fantasy trilogy
Lord of the Rings, The
Term for an official government poet
Poet Laureate
Knight of the Round Table who had an affair with Guinevere
She wrote "To Kill a Mockingbird"
Harper Lee
In this novel, a boy survives 227 days at sea with a Bengal tiger
Life of Pi
A five line, typically bawdy poem, associated with Irish literature
Language of Ovid and Virgil
"White Fang" and "Call of the Wild" author
Jack London
First book of "The Chronicles of Narnia"
Lion, the Witch and
the Wardrobe, The
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry novel about a boy from Asteroid B-612
Little Prince, The
Shakespeare king with three daughters: Regan, Goneril and Cordelia
British boys revert to savagery when stranded on an island
Lord of the Flies
In this book, Jo, Meg, Amy, and Beth must cope with their
father's absence during the US Civil War
Little Women
Creator of Cthulhu and other old gods
H.P. Lovecraft
Series of novels about pioneer days by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Little House on the Prairie
Item that imprisons a genie in "The Arabian Nights"
Magic Lamp
Nabokov novel about a man who loved underage girls
Generation of writers who came of age during WWI
Lost Generation
Island of tiny people visited by Gulliver
Author of the nearly-banned "Lady Chatterley's Lover"
D.H. Lawrence
Level 95
Dec 19, 2016
You may want to clarify on the 'Chronicles of Narnia' question. 'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe' is the first book that was written, but 'The Magician's Nephew' was written as a prequel and can be considered the first book of the series.
Level 83
Dec 20, 2016
Seconded on this, I spent a few moments trying to make "Magician's Nephew" begin with an L.
Level 94
Dec 20, 2016
Thirded on this.
Level 76
May 24, 2017
Level 20
May 24, 2017
Level 65
Jan 21, 2020
Level 25
Oct 23, 2020
seven-thed aha
Level 70
Dec 9, 2021
Level 33
Jan 12, 2023
Level 50
Jun 8, 2024
Level 60
Dec 21, 2016
Of the novels in the series, there are "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", and "The Last Battle" that begin with L. Between the two of those, it's extremely clear which book is the right answer.
Level 50
May 24, 2017
Seriously, The Magician's Nephew doesnt start with 'L', how is this confusing?
Level 67
Nov 14, 2022
begins with a T though
Level 38
May 25, 2017
I get where you're coming from, but LTWATW is distinctly the first book in the series: prequels don't necessarily constitute "first". And Kestrana is correct as well
Level 64
Jul 22, 2021
On my book magicians nephew says one. Lionwitchwardrobe says two.
Level 63
Sep 6, 2021
Agree - it's 2 in boxed sets. Maybe just clarify the question by first to be published? Just because the answer is obvious it doesn't mean the question is incorrectly phrased
Level 65
Jan 22, 2020
The question could be tighter. Ask, perhaps, for the first book of The Chronicles as published.

So many of us, it appears, think chronology of story rather than publishing, It is how I read them to our children, not that they listened to them all ... Last Battle is a bit ... thin & dry, by the end.

Magician's Nephew is my favourite, after The Horse and his boy.

Level 84
Dec 20, 2016
Chthulu should be Cthulhu.
Level ∞
Dec 21, 2016
Level 72
Apr 8, 2019
Blasphemy !
Level 83
Dec 24, 2016
Wonderful quiz!
Level 66
Feb 9, 2017
Isn't it magic lantern?
Level 50
Mar 4, 2017
If you Google "genie magic lantern", you get a bunch of "magic lamp" results.
Level 65
May 24, 2017
I thought that too, but I stand corrected.
Level 73
Mar 13, 2017
Only 53% got The Little Prince, but Wikipedia puts it as the 5th best selling non-religious/philosophical book of all time.
Level 83
Mar 28, 2017
I've found that most people who've read it have read it in French, and so think of it as "Le petit prince".
Level 65
May 24, 2017
Second that, I would have never gotten that question because to me, the book starts with a P, not an L.
Level 51
May 24, 2017
Le Petit Prince. It still works, possibly better.
Level 87
Nov 24, 2018
By that logic, The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe starts with 'T,' not 'L.'
Level 55
Mar 27, 2017
Just write a Narnia book then. It's not the first one
Level 39
May 24, 2017
The first book is the magicians nephew in the chronicles of narnia
Level 81
May 24, 2017
Only chronologically.
Level 76
May 24, 2017
Surprised Lovecraft was the least guessed answer - I'd always thought his work was very well-known.
Level 53
May 24, 2017
Same! Although, even though I immediately recognized Cthulhu, it took me a minute to remember his name.
Level 65
May 25, 2017
That was one of the easiest questions for me to guess myself!
Level 60
Mar 6, 2020
I was confused because I thought it meant another god within the Lovecraft universe that created the elder gods
Level 60
May 24, 2017
Please accept DL Hughley for the Lady Chatterly's Lover clue.
Level 62
May 24, 2017
@moosefight You are my new favorite person.
Level 60
May 24, 2017
Not only have I read Lord of the Flies, but Golding taught at my school (long before I was there mind). I managed to completely miss the question. Good stuff.
Level 65
May 25, 2017
Yet again, fix the question about the Chronicles of Narnia. I don't care that The Magician's Nephew doesn't start with 'L,' and we are just supposed to guess the answer using the next best answer - the question is just plain WRONG.
Level 60
May 25, 2017
Pretty sure The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe came like 5 years before Magician's Nephew.
Level 40
May 26, 2017
No shame (maybe a little), I got the Guinevere question because I started singing "It Takes Two" from Hairspray.
Level 58
May 27, 2017
Don't laugh, but I always thought Harper Lee was a man not a woman.
Level 48
Oct 20, 2018
i hated le petit prince... it was our French (from France) teacher's idea of conversation.. sitting around reading a paragraph each...didn't understand, didn't care, (still passed French though) never even knew where he came from...
Level 87
Nov 24, 2018
Awesome selection of works here. The Little Prince and To Kill a Mockingbird are two books that absolutely everyone should read.
Level 82
Dec 10, 2018
Humbert Humbert was in love with one underage girl. We don't know if he loved them in general.
Level ∞
Dec 10, 2018
Level 65
Jun 23, 2021
Ah, I was just thinking about Call of the Wild a few days ago and couldn't think of the author's name.
Level 57
Apr 5, 2022
"Lord of the Rings, The" might be a mistake
Level 85
Jun 27, 2022
There was no tiger; it was just a way for Pi to come to terms with the horror of his situation and what he needed to do to survive.
Level 66
Aug 30, 2022
I tried little prince --- nope

I tried the little prince --- nope

I tried le petit prince, and the answer was revealed --- little prince, the ---- you kiddin' me?

Level 67
Nov 14, 2022
Should clarify upfront that the first 'The' in a title is ignored
Level 78
Dec 8, 2022
Why? That's how alphabetization of titles always works.
Level 83
Feb 5, 2023
Couldn't get "lantern" out of my head and even tried "lockbox" and "locket", dang it. Also speaking of London, "To build a fire" is way too harrowing and depressing a story to make children read, great though it is
Level 65
May 31, 2024
Don't think there's any association between the limerick and Irish Literature. It's not at all obvious why the verse form is known as a limerick. It may be due to a popular tune which suited the limerick's rhyming scheme.