
Top 10 Largest U.S. States by Area

Can you name the largest states of the U.S.A. by land area?
This goes by land area - not total area
Quiz by bomber184
Last updated: December 5, 2019
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First submittedJuly 23, 2014
Times taken141,303
Average score90.0%
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New Mexico
Level 59
Feb 1, 2015
Great quiz got 100 with 1:56 on the clock
Level 68
Dec 5, 2016
Great quiz. Just got the last one - Colorado - with 3 seconds to go!
Level 73
Dec 5, 2016
Same as, but with 1 second to go!
Level 74
Dec 9, 2017
I got 100% with 1:07 on the timer, but really I didn't know Colorado was that big...
Level 20
Jan 25, 2019
I didn't think Oregon would make top 10
Level 45
Jan 12, 2018
GEEZ guessed Oregon with 3 seconds to go great first try
Level 35
Feb 28, 2022
got it all done in 22 seconds
Level 31
Apr 28, 2023
Got Oregon with 1:53 on the clock
Level 86
Sep 13, 2016
Enjoyed the quiz! Do the answers change if you consider total area instead of just land area?
Level 62
Dec 4, 2016
Oregon might overtake Wyoming, although considering that 6/10 of these are land-locked and the difference between Alaska, Texas and California is large enough to not be effected significantly, I doubt any other possible changes.
Level 62
Dec 4, 2016
I looked it up: Oregon is 9th considering total area, not Wyoming.
Level 31
Dec 5, 2016
How come I can name all 45 countries in the European continent yet I struggle to name more than 15 US states?
Level 43
Dec 5, 2016
There are more than 45 countries in Europe...
Level 41
Jul 15, 2017
Well according to the UN theres only 44
Level 28
Dec 6, 2024
So that + kosovo
Level 81
Mar 26, 2018
Are you American?
Level 65
Aug 14, 2019
Because US States are comparatively irrelevant for non-americans. It's like asking you to name all german bundesländer or all UK counties.
Level 81
Dec 22, 2019
A better comparison would be asking an American to name all countries in Europe, which is something many (but certainly not a majority) of Americans could do. There are seven sovereign countries in Europe smaller than the US state of Rhode Island, and the state of California has a bigger GDP than any European country except Germany. Trying to say that US states are as (ir)relevant as German Bundeslanders is silly, but even given that, off the top of my head... Saxony, Lower Saxony, Bavaria, Bremen, Hamburg, Berlin, Brandenburg, Rhineland, Hesse, Westphalia, Saarland.... some other ones...
Level 37
Apr 17, 2023
I'm one of them that can! (I'm also a huge geography nerd...)
Level 69
Oct 4, 2020
It's actually not silly. Nordhrein-Westfalen has more population (close to 18 million) than all but four US states. Bavaria (close to 13 million) more than all but 6. In GDP, Nordrhein-Westfalen would be in the top 6 or 7 US states, and Bavaria easily in the top 10 (I can't find a source that lists both in the same currency). The least populated Bundesland, Bremen, which is actually just a city, has more population (681k) than two US states and four US territories. The least populated Bundesland that isn't just a city, Saarland, has more population (986k) than six US states.
Level 69
Oct 4, 2020
And while we're at it: "Rhineland" it's not a state. There is North Rhine - Westphalia, and Rhineland - Palatinate, both of which cover part of the historic region of Rhineland. That's like calling "Dakota" a state.
Level 81
Oct 22, 2020
It is silly, gandalf. Very. But you often argue in favor of silliness when it somehow favors France or Germany or diminishes the USA. Points taken, though. and of course Germany is among the largest, richest, and most populous countries in Europe. So if you want to compare it to US states you ought to be looking at California or New York, not Rhode Island or Wyoming. The English counties thing is sillier, still. A closer analogy would be asking an American to name the four constituent countries of the United Kingdom. Naming all of the counties would be closer to naming all of the counties in California- something I wouldn't even expect a Californian to be able to do. Welcome back to the site, btw.
Level 68
Mar 2, 2021
It's kind of in-between naming counties and naming countries.

The best comparison is probably naming Canadian Provinces.

Level 81
Apr 3, 2022
^ but it's not. The average JetPunker can name every US state and every European country. Few can name every Canadian province. US states to European countries is a very close match in terms of economics, population, international relevance, and degree of common knowledge, with Americans tending to know more about the states and Europeans tending to know more about the countries on their continent. It's difficult if not impossible to find a closer corollary. The proposed alternatives in the comments section here are all much worse and farther off. But Europeans don't want to acknowledge that their countries are similarly (ir)relevant to US states because they want to think of themselves as more important.
Level 61
Apr 17, 2023
If the argument for relevancy is based solely on population and economy, would that make most provinces of China just as "relevant" as most U.S. states or European countries? But then, it seems there's little expectation on JetPunk for users to have any knowledge of Chinese geography. Not entirely sure the comparison holds up
Level 70
Aug 5, 2024
I think the disagreement of what the best analogy would be is actually rooted in different meanings of "relevance". It appears that kalbamahut bases it off of economy and population (money above all, very US-American perspective. Just saying.) while gandalf (and presumably most Europeans) base it largely off of cultural uniqueness, internal vs external differences, history and ability to interact with the world independently.

Internationally, US states are little more than convenient ways to describe where stuff is or happened within a big country rather than any actors in their own right. I guess a good European equivalent would be British constituent countries or Swiss cantons. They all have autonomy to make their own internal laws, might kinda threaten to secede but not really do anything internationally without the explicit say-so of the national government.

Level 33
Dec 7, 2024
In my opinion the U.S states are more relevant than any counties or subdivisions of other countries. In terms of land size states such as Alaska, Texas, Montana, Nevada, Oregon ect are bigger than many countries. Now you could make the argument that the U.S is one of the worlds biggest countries and therefore will of course have huge subdivisions. Or you could make the argument that other subdivisions are much bigger than Alaska (for example the Sakha Republic) but countries with more prominent subsects in size are broken up into fewer subdivisions such as Australia (7) and Canada (13) You could also argue that Russia has 83 administrative divisions, but these are quite low in population and population density especially in the east. In terms of GDP the average GDP of each state is 547.2 billion US$ which is a higher GDP than most countries. The prominence in size and GDP is enough to prove that the U.S states should be (and are) known by many people. More so than European counties.
Level 14
Jun 26, 2020
There are 48: Iceland, Ireland, United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Monaco, Andorra, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, North Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbajan, Kazakstan, Malta and Cyprus. The reason the UN says its 44 is probably because of Countries that Cross into Asia was well.
Level 59
Dec 1, 2021
Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, & Cyprus are not European. All but Armenia & Cyprus have a bit of European land.
Level 69
Dec 30, 2022
cyprus is debatable, imo it's european but georgia armenia kazakhstan azerbaijan are not european, and 99% of turkey is asian except for the bit around istanbul
Level 55
Dec 5, 2016
Next up should be the 10 largest Canadian provinces...
Level 61
Dec 21, 2016
Level 40
Dec 5, 2016
Great Quiz!!!
Level 55
Dec 5, 2016
It's a hard quiz, makes you really think! Surprised that Washinton didn't make it.
Level 71
Jul 27, 2018
Yeah, and Washington didn't either!
Level 43
Dec 6, 2016
I accidentally wrote them all in order.... Wow lol awesome
Level 28
Mar 26, 2018
I wrote them in order on purpose...
Level 70
Apr 11, 2018
I wrote the first 6 in order on purpose, then wrote the remaining not in order accidentally.
Level 72
Sep 13, 2019
I wrote them not in order on purpose
Level 49
Dec 7, 2016
Level 21
Jan 7, 2017
Alaska is the biggest followed by Texas. Alaska is so big that if you split Alaska in 2 Texas would be the 3rd largest.
Level 35
Jun 6, 2017
*in half
Level 81
Mar 26, 2018
Depends on how you split it.
Level 58
Jan 15, 2017
Nevada with 56
Level 57
Jan 16, 2017
got them all wirh 0,02 left
Level 64
Mar 9, 2017
Funny how Wyoming ranks #9 with area but is in last with population :)
Level 35
Jun 6, 2017
It is 2nd lowest in population density
Level 25
Jul 6, 2017
I got them all but 1 with 1 minute left... then I was at 1 second left and thought it can't be Oregon but it's worth a try, I typed it then with one second left and got 10/10 on my first try!
Level 73
Aug 22, 2017
There's a pretty strong correlation between east-west distribution and land area in the US.
Level 73
Feb 2, 2018
I didn't realize Montana was so close in size to California. It's about 93% as large.
Level 52
Dec 21, 2019
I live in Montana - drive across it either way and you realize just how big it is.
Level 36
Feb 2, 2018
got all with 53 secs left
Level 27
Feb 5, 2018
I thought Wyoming is last? I have the same quiz like this.
Level 87
Jan 18, 2019
This quiz is about land area, not population. Rhode Island is the smallest by area and Wyoming is smallest by population.
Level 44
Feb 21, 2018
Arizona is a large state, my county is larger than the entire state of New Jersey in land area, and btw, itsnot the biggest county by land area in Arizona.. :)
Level 81
Mar 26, 2018
There are at least 7 countries in Europe smaller than the state of Rhode Island. More if you count some partially recognized ones.
Level 61
Apr 17, 2023
Arizona in particular just has ridiculously big counties by land area. Fascinating stuff
Level 20
Feb 27, 2018
Good quiz!
Level 36
Aug 7, 2018
Would never have guessed that Oregon is larger than New York.
Level 80
Dec 6, 2024
It's nearly twice as large
Level 67
Nov 2, 2018
Interesting that the order of most common answers almost follows the state size order
Level 81
Oct 22, 2020
Would be pretty odd if it did not.
Level 28
Jan 17, 2019
I didn't realize Oregon was that big. I guessed Utah and when it didn't show up, I was trying to think what was bigger than Utah but smaller than Wyoming. I lived in Oregon for 7 years, but I think my familiarity with it led me to think I knew it was smaller than Utah. Wasted time guessing everything in the midwest.
Level 62
Jan 18, 2019
Got them all with 0:29 left at 3:41:46 pm on January 18, 2019, increasing my point total to 621.
Level 60
Jul 6, 2020
Level 47
Jan 18, 2019
Who are the 3% that didn't guess Alaska?
Level 46
May 4, 2019
Got Oregon in the last second, I don't know why it took me that long. So luckily, I got it in one time with 1 second on the clock.
Level 71
May 6, 2019
Two minutes seems way too long for this. It seems pretty obvious that nothing east of the Mississippi would make the top 10, and even one minute would be more than enough time to guess at all the states west of the Mississippi.
Level 71
Jun 26, 2020
I thought Utah would make it.
Level 46
Nov 30, 2020
Just missed Nevada:(
Level 38
Dec 2, 2020
me too
Level 42
Dec 2, 2020
Got all of them with 1:23 left
Level 35
Jan 15, 2021
1 second left ..damn
Level 65
Jun 16, 2021
Why are all of the states in the west coast?
Level 28
Jun 16, 2021
Just Missed Oregon! Pennsylvania is smaller than Oregon!?!
Level 28
Jun 16, 2021
I thought it was going to be Pennsylvania or Utah
Level 69
Jun 17, 2021
Pennsylvania is actually rather small, I think even in the bottom half of states.
Level 66
Apr 17, 2023
Georgia is the largest state east of the Mississippi, but all but three states west of the Mississippi (Arkansas, Iowa, Hawaii) are larger than Georgia.
Level 57
Jun 17, 2021
I'm surprised that more people got California than Alaska!
Level 71
Jun 17, 2021
41 seconds remaining
Level 33
Jun 21, 2021
Wyoming is smaller than Oregon, that’s factual and I live there right now..
Level 42
Jan 11, 2022
By total area, but not by land area only.
Level 33
Apr 11, 2022
Forgot Wyoming exists lol
Level 40
May 3, 2022
Surprised that Minnesota and Wisconsin weren't there
Level 68
Apr 23, 2023
Missed Oregon
Level 50
Apr 11, 2024
I love how everyone forgets how massive Oregon is. I've seen comparisons to other nations and Oregon before, so I got all of them.
Level 37
Dec 6, 2024
before i took this quiz, i knew the top five, and i was able to guess the top 9 largest to smallest in order but i tried utah before i tried oregon
Level 54
Dec 6, 2024
I'm proud to get this as an australian xD
Level 56
Dec 7, 2024
Utah has got to be 11
Level 56
Dec 7, 2024
Oh, it is 12th. 😞