
Top 10 Most White U.S. States

Can you name the states where the highest percentage of people identify as non-Hispanic white and no other race?
For 2022. According to the U.S. Census Bureau.
Quiz by bomber184
Last updated: September 17, 2023
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First submittedMarch 21, 2017
Times taken53,546
Average score70.0%
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West Virginia
New Hampshire
North Dakota
South Dakota
Level 66
Mar 21, 2017
Wow! Is there a Cities version?
Level 21
Mar 21, 2017
Don't think so! Thanks for the idea, I might make a quiz for that!
Level 75
Sep 12, 2018
West Virginia came as a surprise.
Level 66
Sep 13, 2018
Considering it's the state with the lowest birth rate, it was my first guess.
Level 66
Oct 24, 2018
That's the only one I didn't get. I started off guessing New England states, then moved on to "flyover" states, and didn't think to try the rest of the east coast.
Level 81
Nov 9, 2018
Just think of states with no big cities, where there weren't any plantations worked by slaves, and where there's not really any reason to move to.
Level 77
Aug 23, 2022
Well I tried Alaska first and that one didn't work. I guess the natives don't identify as white either. American race categories are really confusing. To me, black and white describe skin colour and not much more, I absolutely don't get how it's something you "identify" as. I first heard about the whole subject when Condoleeza Rice described how people told her to act "more black" and I just didn't get what they meant.
Level 75
May 24, 2024
After centuries of a race-based hierarchy, with segregation enforced through law for another century after, and with self-segregation still happening today, many racial groups have effectively developed their own communities and cultures. Black and white do describe skin color, but over here skin color often ends up correlating with or outright affecting a person's culture and social reality. (Also, it's important to note that when we say "black" and "white" it's sometimes— though not always— shorthand for "black American" and "white American".) "Act more black" likely meant "act more African-American" in the cultural sense, the same way a German adopting lots of British culture might be told to "act more German" (despite being German).
Level 75
May 24, 2024
And you're correct, native people in the US sometimes don't identify as white. Some native people look white due to mixed heritage, but end up facing some of the same obstacles as "native-looking" people anyways (like inherited poverty, or governments seeking to exploit reservation lands). Native identity gets more complicated, and I don't feel qualified to explain it in detail.
Level 65
Sep 19, 2018
Included in my first set of "tries": Minnesota, South Dakota, Utah, and Rhode Island.
Level 21
Oct 28, 2023
Minnesota belongs to Canada.
Level 34
Dec 9, 2024
uh no?
Level 78
Nov 9, 2018
Come on, Utah has Mormons, they eat Jello.. what more does it need to qualify?
Level 20
Nov 13, 2018
lived there for 6 years and have to agree with this comment lol
Level 69
Oct 27, 2023
Probably still a considerable amount of Hispanics, just like an otherwise quite white Kansas.
Level 48
Mar 24, 2024
Because it really isn't as white as you think. It used to be in the top ten until the past couple years. There are quite a bit of Hispanics. The asian population has grown 50% and doubled what it used to be. Even the black population has gone up a whole 1%. Besides Hawaii Utah has the most Pacific islanders (Tongans and Samoans). And there is a pretty big Native American population. It's still pretty white tho.
Level 74
Nov 9, 2018
Didn't try Wyoming. I thought it had a higher Native American population than that.
Level 65
Jan 23, 2019
People live in Wyoming?

Just kidding ;)

Level 87
Nov 9, 2018
If you're looking for common threads:

1. Geography (far from states where slavery was legal, except for West Virginia, which seceded from Virginia specifically because they didn't have many slaves, and far from the Mexican border).

2. Lack of large cities. In these ten states there are a total of 4 cities with (metro area) population over 150,000: Omaha (466,893), Lincoln (284,736), Boise (226,570), and Des Moines (217,521). Vermont, West Virginia, Wyoming, and Maine don't even have a single city over 100,000.

Level 57
May 13, 2022
Yay, Boise.
Level 90
Sep 17, 2023
City limits population, not "metropolitan" statistical area nor urban area.
Level 85
Nov 9, 2018
Shouldn't it be "whitest"?
Level 61
Nov 9, 2018
West Virginia was my first guess after the New England states because I'm from Virginia and have been to WV many times. Whenever I've gone anywhere in Appalachia, I've always been fascinated by the total lack of black people. Seriously if I'm in a public place, I catch myself waiting for one to walk around the corner or something, and it never happens.
Level 82
Nov 12, 2018
Massachusetts and southern New England are very diverse in the cities.
Level 47
Mar 4, 2019
Surprised no Utah.
Level 59
Jun 19, 2020
I think I'm the only black family in the entire state of New Hampshire
Level 69
Aug 9, 2021
I'm amazed that NH is the least guessed state on the list, especially as Maine and Vermont are the two most guessed.
Level 73
May 27, 2022
Probably least-guessed because of length of name
Level 80
Oct 15, 2023
You can just type NH
Level 46
Jul 7, 2024
My mother told me a story of growing up in 1940s Maine (Freyberg) where her dad would take the family out for a drive to "find the Mammy" that moved to town.
Level 60
Apr 14, 2021
Why was Iowa my first guess
Level 51
Nov 4, 2021
Level 65
Aug 4, 2023
A lot of indigenous people live in Alaska
Level 76
Sep 18, 2023
I'm a lifelong Utahn, and I'm quite surprised we're not in the top ten.
Level 88
Sep 18, 2023
As a non-native of Utah, I can't say that I've ever heard the term "Utahn" used before. Learn something new every day! I guess my fall Saturday ritual of watching anything college football has conditioned me to "Utes" haha
Level 75
Sep 20, 2023
What's a Ute? Sorry had to get a Joe Pesci reference when I could LOL
Level 81
Sep 20, 2023
Utah has a large Hispanic population, a large Polynesian population, a growing African refugee population, a decent amount of Native Americans (compared to other states), and the usual hodgepodge of people from other places. It adds up.
Level 72
Sep 25, 2023
Surprised not to find Idaho and Nebraska in here. Seemingly not the heaviest minority states.
Level 58
Oct 27, 2023
kentucky surprised me tbh, a voice in my head told me to write Kentucky and I got it in the last 5 seconds
Level 67
Oct 27, 2023
Is anyone else cracking up that the pic is a fair-skinned red-head with clumps of unmelted snow in her hair? No? Just me. Ok, then.
Level 71
Oct 29, 2023
Wow, these are a lot lower than I would have guessed.
Level 77
Aug 9, 2024
Guess now I know which states to visit if I ever go to the US :)
Level 41
Oct 2, 2024
got most except forgot the Dakotas 🤦🏻. Really surprised Idaho isn't here, thought it would be in the top 5 for some reason
Level 68
Nov 7, 2024
Is it racist that i just thought of what state was the most white? I mean i got 9 / 10 because of it..
Level 32
Dec 9, 2024
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