Atleast the population growth in these to countries has redused. I don't think any of thoes two will pass 1.5 Billion. It is very insteresting to learn and talk about population and religion. Watch Hans Rosling on Ted Talk (you can find videos on YouTube)
China is probably being reduced because they have laws saying you can't have more than two kids per married couple. As well as they kill the 2nd born girl once they're born.
Lots of wrong comments here lol. India's population is still exploding, and will pass China in the very near future. They will almost certainly pass 1.5 billion people, baring some catastrophic event.
As for China, they just passed a law allowing couples to have 3 children now as of May 2021.
Fun fact: Uzbekistan is BY FAR the most populous Central Asian country, and Kazakhstan and Tajikistan are second and third respectively, and the third most populous "Stan" country, after Pakistan and Afghanistan, of course.
Got 100% on my first try! With Uzbekistan being the least guessed country, I'm guessing people started typing a few of the -stans (not Afghanistan or Pakistan) and then decided that none of the others had it. On another note: There would be much different results if this quiz was the highest percentage of Muslims.
Missed Uzbekistan, never realized their total population exceeded 30 million. Guess the other 3 million are Orthodox due to it being a former Soviet Republic.
actually no, the jewish moroccan minority was always very well treated by the Moroccan monarchy, protected by the king during World War II, and one of the king's closest counselors is a Jewish Moroccan.
I'm surprised Tanzania hasn't made this list yet. The country has a population of 55 million which is roughly evenly split between Muslims and Christians
Southeast Asia, next to Indonesia. The Wikipedia article Islam in Malaysia with numbers from 2013, tells us are there approximately 19.5 million Muslin adherents. Malaysia probably should be added to this quiz unless their number of muslims has somehow steeply declined in 5 years.
Haha, I know where Malaysia is, geographically (along with all other countries by the way; well at least nearly all of them; I often get confused between the Caribbean countries and Pacific island ones). Also, I come from Malaysia, so I definitely should know where it is! 😉
Yes. Does anyone know the answer to that question? Is it because many quiz takers type 'Nigeria' so quickly that their computers were unable to accept Niger before Nigeria?
I don't really know how these results are tabulated, but Niger has one of the highest rates of population growth in the world - and it's near the bottom of the list. So, maybe, earlier, Nigeria was on this list, and Niger wasn't. And maybe, during that time, Nigeria was guessed more frequently than once Niger got on the list. If that's the case, then maybe Nigeria's percentage would have come down, but Niger's would be still lower.
Check the total population, and you will see what is what. Muslim includes the Shi'a, the Alevis, the Bektasis, the Sunnis, etc. etc. etc. There are also Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and Jews, but when you consider the overall population, and figure those numbers in you'll see.
It's tricky. 99.8% of people in Turkey are registered Muslims. Only 0.2% belong Christianity or another religion. However, up to 10% of people may be irreligious.
Mauritania has under 5 million people. Like Libya, Mauritania is majority desert and sparsely populated compared with its neighbours (albeit without Libya's more comfortable Mediterranean coastline).
According to Wikipedia there is 30.1 million Uzbeks, and 88% of them are Muslim. So there is 26.7 million Uzbek Muslims. Still enough to be on the list though.
But Uzbekistan has a larger population than Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan combined... It is comfortably the most heavily populated country in Central Asia.
I álways forget that Yemen is one of the most densely populated countries in the Middle East... Part of my brain always assumes their population is roughly equal to Oman's.
Do we need an update? The Pakistan Wikipedia page says "It is the world's fifth-most populous country, with a population of 241.5 million people, and has the world's largest Muslim population as of year 2023." and on the "Islam by Country" page it has Pakistan at 249 million and Indonesia at 275 million.
It's possible, however Wikipedia statistics should be taken with a grain of salt, especially if the data from each country is being taken from different sources.
"Bear witness that there is no god but God, and bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God. May God bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad."
As for China, they just passed a law allowing couples to have 3 children now as of May 2021.
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