Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Austria | {Republic} of Austria | 95%
Belgium | {Kingdom} of Belgium | 85%
Bosnia | Bosnia and {Herzegovina} | 83%
Czechia | Czech Republic | 79%
China | {People's} {Republic} of China | 72%
United States | United States of {America} | 68%
Trinidad | Trinidad and {Tobago} | 64%
Antigua | Antigua and {Barbuda} | 63%
United Kingdom | United Kingdom of {Great} {Britain} and {Northern} {Ireland} | 59%
Saint Vincent | Saint Vincent and the {Grenadines} | 54%
Israel | {State} of Israel | 54%
Vatican City | Vatican City {State} | 54%
Ivory Coast | Republic of {Côte} {d'Ivoire} | 51%
Russia | Russia{n} {Federation} | 51%
Andorra | {Principality} of Andorra | 50%
Micronesia | {Federated} {States} of Micronesia | 47%
France | French Republic | 47%
Luxembourg | {Grand} {Duchy} of Luxembourg | 45%
Iran | {Islamic} {Republic} of Iran | 45%
[Formerly] Macedonia | {Republic} of {North} Macedonia | 45%
Oman | {Sultanate} of Oman | 45%
Taiwan | {Republic} of {China} | 44%
North Korea | {Democratic} {People's} {Republic} of Korea | 43%
Germany | {Federal} {Republic} of Germany | 41%
Italy | Italian Republic | 35%
Greece | Hellenic Republic | 30%
[Formerly] Swaziland | {Kingdom} of {Eswatini} | 27%
Switzerland | Swiss Confederation | 22%
San Marino | Most {Serene} {Republic} of San Marino | 21%
Algeria | {People's} {Democratic} {Republic} of Algeria | 20%
Egypt | {Arab} {Republic} of Egypt | 19%
Bahamas | {Commonwealth} of the Bahamas | 19%
Jordan | {Hashemite} {Kingdom} of Jordan | 19%
Vietnam | {Socialist} {Republic} of Vietnam | 19%
Syria | Syria{n} {Arab} {Republic} | 17%
Mexico | United Mexican States | 17%
Venezuela | {Bolivarian} {Republic} of Venezuela | 16%
Comoros | {Union} of the Comoros | 15%
Bolivia | {Plurinational} {State} of Bolivia | 14%
East Timor | {Democratic} {Republic} of Timor-{Leste} | 13%
Cape Verde | {Republic} of {Cabo} {Verde} | 13%
Tanzania | {United} {Republic} of Tanzania | 12%
Brazil | {Federative} {Republic} of Brazil | 11%
Uruguay | {Oriental} {Republic} of Uruguay | 9%
Sri Lanka | {Democratic} {Socialist} {Republic} of Sri Lanka | 8%
Papau New Guinea | {Independent} {State} of Papua New Guinea | 8%
Laos | Lao People's Democratic Republic | 8%
Myanmar/Burma | {Republic} of the {Union} of Myanmar | 8%
Guyana | {Co‑operative} {Republic} of Guyana | 7%
Nepal | {Federal} {Democratic} {Republic} of Nepal | 7%
Saint Kitts & Nevis | {Federation} of {Saint} {Christopher} and Nevis | 7%
Brunei | {Nation} of Brunei, the {Abode} of {Peace} | 6%
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