You are right. I added La Paz as an alternative answer with Sucre. I know they are separate cities, but usually on JetPunk you have to know only one of the Bolivian capitals.
I tried that too but that's right, in English, it has six letters (and since I love Ultravox, I don't mind). The list would be slightly different in any other language (for example, in french : Juba -> Djouba, but Beijing -> Pekin).
@jackinthebox Maybe Lyon? I saw it on an british quizshow a few days ago spelled as Lyons. Not sure if it is common and only a thing British do or americans and other english speakers aswell. It sure stood out to me (I actually thought It cant be Lyon because that doesnt end with an s...)
I suspect Lyons is used in america(n) aswell, since there seems to be a lot of places called that.
A technical tip for you, if the missing left-hand border bugs you - if you add a blank column to the left of that leftmost column (within that same block), then set that new blank column's borders to zero, the left hand border will reappear - goodness knows why!
A good one to get a start on learning all the capital. I scored low on this list compared to others ( though I felt I did pretty well before I saw the results haha)
After seeing the answer I recognise several, with different levels of familiarity. But could have gotten atleast 5 more (dakar, tunis, hanoi, vaduz (kept thinking about it, but thought valduz..) and perhaps quito, and on a good day also kabul)
Went from 15/35 to 25/35 (and have not actively been studying the capitals, more a subliminal learning by coming across them I guess) great improvement happy with that :) I often promote this site to my family, saying that it's good for their brain function, plus even if your are bad at learning, there is always sóme information that sticks.
the ones I missed and might currently think of are amman (thought of it, right on the timer) kabul, praia and sana'a
Forgot I recently took it ! (do remember the comment from 2019 though...) apparently my brain does not allways function well haha (Though my health was extremely bad end of februari, everything was hazy anyway, must be part of it. Though not the first comment I see from myself on this site I can't remember, though usually much longer time has passed)
got 31/35 now. Missed all oceania and praia. I guess part of my brains dó work. (who knows where I'd be without this site... often can;t remember most about the week, what I have done or who I have seen. But things on this site I dó remember. Not sure if it is a short/long term memory thing ( couldn't tell you in this case which is which..) but more an event/fact thing? Facts stick events not so much.
Sorry about rambling on, will probably have forgotten I did so in about an hour...
I know this is an old comment but Yaren is the de facto capital of Nauru, and is treated as the capital on all Jetpunk quizzes, consistent with other de facto capitals (Bern for Switzerland, for example).
I missed Baku, Vaduz, and Male. I thought about all the countries around them so I am disappointed in myself and my self-esteem has dropped. Great quiz though!
German one has 39 and the
Spanish version has 45 answers!
I suspect Lyons is used in america(n) aswell, since there seems to be a lot of places called that.
After seeing the answer I recognise several, with different levels of familiarity. But could have gotten atleast 5 more (dakar, tunis, hanoi, vaduz (kept thinking about it, but thought valduz..) and perhaps quito, and on a good day also kabul)
the ones I missed and might currently think of are amman (thought of it, right on the timer) kabul, praia and sana'a
got 31/35 now. Missed all oceania and praia. I guess part of my brains dó work. (who knows where I'd be without this site... often can;t remember most about the week, what I have done or who I have seen. But things on this site I dó remember. Not sure if it is a short/long term memory thing ( couldn't tell you in this case which is which..) but more an event/fact thing? Facts stick events not so much.
Sorry about rambling on, will probably have forgotten I did so in about an hour...
Sinon je trouve ce quiz très intéressant.