German Word | Literal English Translation | Answer | % Correct |
Tintenfisch | Ink fish | Squid | 89%
Faultier | Lazy animal | Sloth | 85%
Schildkröte | Armored toad | Turtle | 83%
Seehund | Sea dog | Seal | 81%
Hundertfüßler | Creature with Hundred Feet | Centipede | 74%
Nashorn | Nose horn | Rhinoceros | 74%
Fledermaus | Fluttering mouse | Bat | 70%
Nacktschnecke | Naked snail | Slug | 66%
Schmetterling | Creature that strikes loudly | Butterfly | 64%
Flusspferd | River horse | Hippopotamus | 64%
Eichkätzchen | Oak tree kitten | Squirrel | 60%
Stachelschwein | Thorned pig | Porcupine | 57%
Marienkäfer | Mary's beetle | Ladybug | 51%
Seekuh | Sea cow | Manatee | 51%
Truthuhn | Garbling chicken | Turkey | 51%
Schnabeltier | Animal with a bill | Platypus | 47%
Waschbär | Washing bear | Raccoon | 45%
Vogelspinne | Bird spider | Tarantula | 45%
Seeigel | Hedgehog of the Sea | Sea urchin | 43%
Meerschweinchen | Little pig of the sea | Guinea Pig | 34%
Brillenschlange | Snake with reading glasses | Indian cobra | 32%
Ohrenkneifer | Ear pincher | Earwig | 30%
Maulwurf | Toss/throw with the mouth | Mole | 19%
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