Pink and blue indicate whether the name is more popular for girls or boys, respectively. An asterisk indicates the former name of a place of that type that still exists.
One city is now a borough. One continent might actually be two continents. Former provinces/territories were split in two. Having run out of Greek/Roman gods, the IAU started naming moons after characters from Shakespeare.
Mountains must be 5000m tall. Rivers must be 1500km in length. Cities must be a major metropolitan area. Carson and Jefferson are omitted because the city name includes the word "City".
Far more people are named Roman than Rome. Roman has risen in popularity almost every year, going from 318th in 2000 to 73rd in 2019. Rome made the list for the first time in 2019, reaching the last possible position at 1000th place.
This is one of the best quizzes I've done on this site. Nominated. I love the idea of including constellations and moons, although I had to say I did terribly at them (although who in their right mind calls their child Kale? Might as well call them Lettice or something).
The original Lincoln is, of course, the 'capital' of Lincolnshire rather than the one in Nebraska...
I was surprised I didn't see Stephano, Rosalind, Portia or Ferdinand; I guess they've not cracked the top 1000 names list! Thank you, this was a fun quiz
The original Lincoln is, of course, the 'capital' of Lincolnshire rather than the one in Nebraska...