Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Countries bordering Venezuela | Brazil | 98%
Countries bordering Venezuela | Colombia | 98%
Official language | Spanish | 98%
Capital city | Caracas | 95%
Countries bordering Venezuela | Guyana | 95%
Sea on which Venezuela lies | Caribbean Sea | 90%
Venezuela has more proven reserves of this than any other country | Oil | 90%
Supposedly, Americo Vespucci named Venezuela after this European city | Venice | 88%
In 2018, this economic figure reached 1,000,000% | Inflation | 83%
World's tallest waterfalls | {Angel} Falls | 81%
Most popular sport | Baseball | 75%
Independence leader who Venezuela's currency is named | Simón Bolívar | 75%
President of Venezuela, 1999–2012 | Hugo Chávez | 61%
President of Venezuela, 2013– | Nicolás Maduro | 53%
Animated Pixar movie which featured those mountains | Up | 53%
Longest river / namesake of an Enya song | Orinoco | 44%
Women from Venezuela have won 23 major international ... | {Beauty} {Pageant}s | 42%
Island in that sea which shares its name with a popular cocktail | Isla {Margarita} | 41%
Sometimes called the largest lake in South America, it is more often considered to be an ocean bay | Lake {Maracaibo} | 38%
"T" word that refers to the table-top mountains of southeastern Venezuela | Tepui | 17%
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