This is obviously a large quiz - so let me know if there are any errors. For characters from games originally released only in Japan, I added the official names that they've had, along with different English fan translation names. In addition to this, I tried to add any nicknames that characters are called in the games. I hope you enjoy!
I also have a quiz like this on my account but I was wondering why I had a little more characters than yours. It seems you don't have the capturable characters from Fates like Haitaka or Candace.
Oh, yeah. Originally, I didn't have trial maps, creature campaign, etc., but the line became a bit hard to define so I added them in. I guess when I added those I forgot about the capturable characters. Thanks for letting me know!
I'm so happy this quiz is kept up to date. There was only a few this time I thought I should have got but didn't. I don't think I'll ever remember all of the capturable bosses from Fates, but we'll see!
I doubt many people would be interested in this besides me, but there is actually a way to enter each of the characters individually!
If entering a character's name would also enter others, you can type in an abbreviation of the game's name, plus the name of the character to just enter the intended character.
I can't wait for an update that wipes the fact that I forgot my second favourite character, Cormag, from my latest attempt. I was so focussed on getting Glen that I was sure I had put him. Sorry, Cormag!
All this time I thought I was unlocking Asugi by typing Gaius, since I do them in game order. Just realised as I was typing feedback that I was actually unlocking Asugi with Gray due to the Japanese name xD
Actually, it's by typing Saizo! Asugi's actual name is Saizo VI, so Saizo works for both him and his father. I only included the Japanese names as type-ins for FE1-FE6 (and FE12) because those games are/were released exclusively in Japan. :)
Ahhhh that makes sense. I always forget that's his official name xD For so long I kept meaning to feed back Gaius unlocked it as I knew something was but thought it was that xD
This made me realise Vigarde isn’t a Creature Campaign character, I was absolutely dumbfounded when I checked the FE wiki and realised he definitely isn’t.
Thanks again for this :D
If entering a character's name would also enter others, you can type in an abbreviation of the game's name, plus the name of the character to just enter the intended character.
At least I know now :D