Strontian is most definitely not a city. The word 'city' has a specific meaning in the UK, and only places that are officially designated as cities are called cities. Strontian is a tiny village, population 400. It is entirely misleading to call it a "Scottish City".
I think berkelium could be better clued as a university in the US, even though it is also the name of the city, the element was named that because it was discovered in UC Berkeley
I erased my former comment, since the quiz has been upgraded. This version is nice, but maybe you should stick to allowing the name of the element, not the place (or maybe ask both? That would almost double the number of questions but I would like it).
I thought about that, but I think it wouldn't add much. I don't think there's a meaningful difference between knowing that there's an element named after France and knowing that there's an element named Francium. Sure, there are a few cases where this isn't necessarily the case (looking at you, Hafnium) but I stand by my decision.