Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Harry lived in number ___ Privet Drive | 4 | 95%
where the ___ live | Dursleys | 92%
who are ... | Non-magic people | 92%
who was sorted into ... | Gryffindor | 86%
just like Harry's muggle-born friend .... | Hermione | 86%
in the school named ... | Hogwarts | 83%
who works as a ... | Caretaker | 82%
which is the pet of ... | Argus Filch | 81%
which emblematic animal is ... | Lion | 81%
which emblematic animal is ... | Snake | 81%
where you can also find the ___ Village | Hogsmeade | 80%
like Mrs ___ who lives in Hogwarts | Norris | 80%
whose Hogwarts house is ... | Slytherin | 80%
which has a higher-security vault number ... | 713 | 79%
where is also the bank ... | Gringotts | 79%
which is founded by ... | Fred & George | 78%
like the ____ named Nagini | Horcrux | 77%
in which the ____ was placed | The Philosopher's Stone | 76%
who got 1000 ... | Galleons | 75%
such as the family of ... | Malfoy | 75%
to where you can get from the pub ... | Leaky Cauldron | 74%
which is also the ____ book | First | 73%
which is similar to ... | Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes | 73%
which is also the entrance to ... | Diagon Alley | 72%
which belongs to the same family as ... | Cat | 70%
which is more common than ... | Pure-blood | 70%
which is located in ... | Scottish Highlands | 67%
which is considered as ... | Dark Arts | 63%
where ____ Joke Shop is | Zonko's | 61%
which can have kids who are ... | Wizardkind | 56%
which shops devoted to it can be found in ... | Knockturn Alley | 55%
from a ____ wizard called Harry | Half-blood | 54%
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