The house which symbol is an eagle is ...
whose resident ghost is...
who is related to one of the ...
who for Harry's house is ...
who lived in the same village as ...
who received the last of the three ...
which belonged to the ____ of Hogwarts
which for the Durmstrang Institute was ...
who was a Death Eater during the ...
which resulted in victory of the Ministry and ...
which Headquarters are in __ Grimmauld Place
which used to belong to the ...
whose member Sirius was the ____ of Harry Potter
which for ____'s son Teddy was Harry Potter
was taught by ___ on Harry's 4th year
who used the ____ to disguise himself as Alastor Mood
which brewing time was about ___ days
which is the number of ____ to ban all Weasley twins' joke products
which were created by ...
who became a ____ after Albus Dumbledore
which for the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic was ...
who was a witch and a ___
who was the Keeper of the Grounds was ...
who was sorted into the same house as ...
whose parents were well-respected ...
Bartemius Crouch Junior
Deathly Hallows
Defence Against the Dark Arts
Dolores Umbridge
Educational Decree
Elder wand
First Wizarding War
Godric Gryffindor
Hogwarts founders
House of Black
Ignotus Peverell
Igor Karkaroff
Neville Longbottom
Olympe Maxime
Order of the Phoenix
Polyjuice Potion
Remus Lupin
Rubeus Hagrid
The Grey Lady
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