This quiz need work. There's got to be a better clue for gherkin. Also should accept pickle for that.
Also in the States (based on the answers I'm guessing you're British) Smarties are not made of chocolate and no ones heard of pot noodle. Also Pizza Hut never changed their name. That was an April Fools Day promotion.
You could accept "pickles" for gherkin? Also "soy beans" or "soy". If i see caramel the colour of Coca-Cola I wouldn't eat it, it must be burnt. Sherbet or sorbet isn't the same as ice cream either. Nor is "semi freddo" and so on. Pot noodle should accept also ramen or noodles. I thought Brits mostly crowd on curry shops these days and eat takeaway curries? At least if it's equivalent of Chinese takeaways as Fish and Chips is originally British even. People also like tuna on pizza. Please accept also "fugu", I tried also "blowfish", but that is surely wrong. Smarties??? That's M&Ms! Especially with the "blue is back" clue! --- yeah a nice idea, needs a bit of work still.
Also in the States (based on the answers I'm guessing you're British) Smarties are not made of chocolate and no ones heard of pot noodle. Also Pizza Hut never changed their name. That was an April Fools Day promotion.