According to the Countries of the World quiz, Cook Islands, Polynesia, and New Caledonia are not countries (the aren't sovereign). Also, you misspelled Kiribati and the Philippines, and please accept East Timor too.
Ditto. You have to spell check before you publish, please. Also, EVERY quiz on this site uses the Countries of the World quiz as the standard for which are actual nations, unless they are a specialty quiz that intentionally looks at the other types of territories, in which cases they always specify so in the instructions. Please fix what's broken.
Not so - see Countries 197 to 204! Especially, good on you for including Cook Islands, because it's as sovereign as it gets - if you think it's tied to New Zealand, well it's not: NZers cannot work or live there, and NZers get a 90 day entry permit at CI customs just like anyone else. CI has its own parliament and is not represented in NZ's.
Plus, what does that mean "Asia Pacific countries"? Because not all those countries are bordering the Pacific ocean...
Asian countries connected to the Pacific? - NO.
Asian and pacific countries? - NO.
There are so many mistakes I can't figure what this quiz is about...
You misspelled Philippines and Kiribati.
East Timor should be accepted as a type-in to Timor-Leste.
Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh border Indian Ocean, not Pacific.
Laos, Nepal and Bhutan are landlocked countries and don't border any seas or oceans.