St Kitts & Nevis? Also, some distances may need double-checking, for example the Argentina distance (Brasilia to Buenos Aires using your capital-to-capital method) is 2341 km. I've posted a Countries Closest to Brazil quiz that uses the shortest distance between Brazil and other nations.
I haven't cited St Kitts and Nevis, I guess you're referring to St. Vincent and the Grenadines, no? I tried to use your shortest distance method first, but I wasn't able to find a reliable source for it.
Anyway, I will double-check the distances. An almost 600 km difference is really strange. I'm under the impression that my source used roads instead of absolute distance - which was my initial goal.
I agree with Jerry. I didn't check the real distances but if you look at the map, it's quite obvious that St Kitts is nearer to Brasilia than Dominican Republic.
Anyway, I will double-check the distances. An almost 600 km difference is really strange. I'm under the impression that my source used roads instead of absolute distance - which was my initial goal.
Thanks for the feedback!