Hint | Answer | % Correct |
The weapon of this god is a lightning bolt | Zeus | 97%
No one cannot beat her in looks | Aphrodite | 95%
Loves another person more than her husband(That person's name is...) | Aphrodite | 95%
Never bet on anything with this intelligent goddess | Athena | 95%
Creator of horses | Poseidon | 95%
You'll love this god's poetry | Apollo | 94%
A rainbow | Iris | 88%
This mother's child was thrown from the top of a mountain cause he was ugly | Hera | 86%
Father of the creator of Argo-2(greek form) | Hephaestus | 79%
House of ----- (Roman form) | Pluto | 76%
The greek and the roman form always quarrell(Greek form) | Ares | 75%
Sacred animal of this godess is a cow (Roman form) | Juno | 69%
Seek revenge on your enemies!!NOW!! | Nemesis | 67%
Please take care of this god!!We are degrading him!!He is almost dead!! | Pan | 48%
Was not given much importance in Roman myth(God and Goddess) | Neptune and Minerva | 5%
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