Hint | Answer | % Correct |
In which country did the Allied landings take place? | France | 100%
How many different beaches were landed on during the invasion? | 5 | 93%
US D-Day ally other than Britain. | Canada | 92%
Name of the enitre stretch of coastline where D-Day took place. | Normandy | 89%
Allied forces suffered the most casualties on this beach. | Omaha | 86%
Date of D-Day (Ex: March 9 1980) | June 6 1944 | 82%
1998 movie starring Tom Hanks that is based on the D-Day invasion. | Saving Private Ryan | 78%
Operation name given to the Allied landings on D-Day. | Overlord | 77%
What body of water was crossed by the Allies on D-Day? | English Channel | 73%
Primary commanding General in Europe for D-Day. | Eisenhower | 69%
German Field Marshal in command of German defensive forces along the Atlantic border. | Erwin Rommel | 64%
Name of Atlantic border defensive fortifications set up by Germans forces. | Atlantic Wall | 44%
Key French port captured on D-Day by the Allies. | Cherbourg | 30%
Name of the portable harbour used by the Allies for the invasion. | Mulberry | 25%
Operation name given to the deception strategy used by the Allies leading up to D-Day. | Operation Fortitude | 13%
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