
Best of Mal's General Knowledge #1

Can you answer these random trivia questions from JetPunk user Malbaby?
As selected by the Quizmaster
Quiz by Malbaby
Last updated: February 13, 2020
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First submittedMarch 7, 2016
Times taken25,057
Average score65.0%
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Which element accounts for 75% of the weight of the sun?
Which part of the body can suffer from cirrhosis?
What are woofers and tweeters?
In chess, which piece always remains on the same coloured squares?
What is the main ingredient in risotto?
What connects the eyes to the brain?
Optic Nerve
What type of bone do humans have 24 of?
Mogadishu is the capital of which African country?
According to Franklin D. Roosevelt, what is the only thing we have to fear?
Fear Itself
What prevents scurvy?
Vitamin C
What group of Caribbean Islands were named for a type of alligator?
The Cayman Islands
Who was the wife of Zeus and the mother of Ares?
In what city would you find an art museum known as the Prado?
What do viticulturists cultivate?
What kind of creature is a flying fox?
What type of musical instrument is a hi-hat?
Who wrote "The Three Musketeers" and "The Count of Monte Cristo"?
Alexandre Dumas
What type of creature is also known as a white ant?
What does the A in DNA stand for?
What comes next after alpha, beta, gamma, and delta?
Level 76
Mar 7, 2016
How about accepting "percussion" for the hi-hat? It's part of the drum-kit and you do hit it (instead of banging it by hand like "real" cymbals).
Level 67
May 30, 2016
Except that 'percussion' covers a very broad range of instruments, and a hi-hat is a different kind of cymbal to the one you are referring to. Anyway, don't you hit the ones that you hold with a stick of some kind? Whether they are on a drum kit or in your hand, you are still hitting a flattish, metal circle, so a hi-hat is a cymbal.
Level 67
May 31, 2016
Hi-hat is most definitely a cymbal. "Percussion" is way too broad. Piano, xylophone, marimba, woodblock, maracas...these are all percussion instruments, and decidedly unlike the hi-hat.
Level 35
Mar 12, 2020
I think “percussion” is definitely a “type” of instrument. If someone asked me what type of instrument is a trombone, I’d say brass. What type of instrument is a clarinet? Woodwind.
Level 82
Jun 6, 2016
Not to mention that you can play the hi-hat with the pedal and never hit it with the stick at all. Definitely "cymbal".
Level 74
Jan 18, 2018
The hi-hat is really a foot instrument, hitting it like a drum is a fairly modern development. According to my mate who is a professional drummer.
Level 74
Feb 10, 2020
If you see a really old drum kit the hi-hat is actually a lot shorter since they didn't need it to be within arms reach.
Level 77
Sep 24, 2019
The hi-hat definitely belongs to the percussion family (all cymbals do), but maybe 'percussion instruments' is too broad to be called a 'type' of musical instrument. I would give it the benefit of the doubt and accept 'percussion', or rephrase the question.
Level 87
Aug 31, 2021
I only knew "hi-hat" because of "Ice, Ice Baby"
Level 70
Aug 31, 2021
I go crazy when I hear a cymbal

And a hi-hat with a souped up tempo

Level 66
Mar 8, 2016
Thank goodness you didn't ask for the DN in DNA! :D
Level 59
May 30, 2016
Let's hope that is a question soon ;)
Level 91
May 30, 2016
I don't mind typing in "deoxyribonucleic."
Level 76
Nov 30, 2019
I was about to say the same thing! I suspect DN, expanded, would struggle to get the 79% that Acid is scoring.
Level 62
Aug 26, 2024
As I'm slow & can't read, my first guess was "adenine"
Level 69
May 30, 2016
Accept ypsilon and/or upsilon for epsilon maybe?
Level 61
May 30, 2016
Except they're not the same thing.
Level 33
May 30, 2016
upsilon is a different letter, it is the letter u/y, whereas epsilon is their letter e, alongside eta
Level 84
Oct 15, 2017
Ε ε = epsilon

Υ υ = ypsilon

Level 69
Feb 11, 2020
ok, fair enough. but maybe accept vine(s) for grapes
Level 70
Feb 11, 2020
I think it would be grapevines as there are thousands of vines not of interest to viticulturists, type grape and you have it.
Level 66
May 30, 2016
To make it harder, I suggest changing the question to "What is the main ingredient in seafood risotto?" and then wait for the outraged cries of people who don't really know what risotto is.
Level 55
May 30, 2016
I've only heard woofers and tweeters used to refer to singing voices, but I suppose those would coincide with one's speaking voice. I'm not sure if using them in the context of singing is just a secondary usage of the terms, but if anyone else knows, I'd be interested to hear. I tried every variation of singers/voices/singing voices/vocals/etc. that I could think of.
Level 62
May 31, 2016
The word speaker here refers to sound systems rather than speaking. :)
Level 67
May 31, 2016
I only got it because I know all the Fast & Furious types outfit their cars with subwoofers to get that really irritating bass sound from their speakers in a misguided attempt to raise their coolness factor.
Level 82
Jun 6, 2016
I don't think "woofers" and "tweeters" is even a secondary way of referring to singing, as you say. I've been a singer my entire life and never once heard a choral vocalist or soloist referred to as either a "woofer" or "tweeter".

Audio speakers are often referred to in this way though.

Level 73
Nov 30, 2019
I second the lemur's emotion. Though I thoroughly enjoyed the mental image of a chorus of woofers and tweeters.
Level 72
Feb 10, 2020
Im getting the image of pingu, with his beak looking like a carhorn. Muup muup haha
Level 58
Feb 20, 2017
Well, I've NEVER heard of woofers and tweeters referred to as singing voices.
Level 90
Nov 30, 2019
You're a tireless quiz maker. I'm glad to see you get a wider audience.

Mal's statistical coincidence:

# of Quizzes 291

Quizmaker Rank # 291

Level 75
Feb 10, 2020
Could ascorbic acid be acceptable for Vitamin C?
Level 40
Feb 10, 2020
Yes, please! I’m glad someone else tried it!
Level 70
Feb 10, 2020
I agree, on the way.
Level 35
Mar 12, 2020
I would also ask that “citrus” could work. Long before people knew what vitamin c was, they knew that oranges and limes could prevent scurvy.
Level 64
Jul 17, 2021
Yes please!
Level 66
Feb 10, 2020
Humans also have 24 vertebrae.
Level ∞
Feb 10, 2020
Typically the number of vertebrae is given as 33. (Although 9 are fused together). If we count the fused bones as one, the count would be 25.
Level 70
Feb 10, 2020
Funnily enough, I don't have a coccyx, only found out by X-ray after a heavy landing skydiving.
Level 66
Feb 13, 2020
Make accept a misspelling... "cymbol" for "cymbal"? (For the life of my I couldn't figure out why it wasn't getting accepted.)
Level 70
Feb 13, 2020
Level 69
Oct 23, 2020
It's funny that the element that is named for the Sun accounts only for about a quarter of it, while the element that accounts for three quarters of it is named for water, which arguably few people associate with the Sun!
Level 70
Oct 23, 2020
I find the most amazing fact regarding the Sun is that the Sun converts 600 million tons of hydrogen into 596 million tons of helium every second, that is every second!
Level 28
Feb 18, 2021


You scored 6/20 = 30%

This beats or equals 10.6% of test takers

The average score is 13

Your high score is 6

Level 52
Jun 28, 2021
It's a good quiz, but caimans (the namesake of the Cayman Islands) are not alligators, they are one of the four types of crocodilians (crocodiles, alligators, gharials, and caimans). They are related to alligators, but by no means alligators.
Level 70
Jun 28, 2021
Hi 'ZooTuber3000'........ A caiman is an alligatorid belonging to the subfamily Caimaninae, one of two primary lineages within Alligatoridae, the other being alligators.
Level 64
Jul 17, 2021
Can you accept citrus for vitamin C?
Level 70
Jul 17, 2021
Although citrus fruits contain vitamin C, so do many other fruits and vegetables and impossible to name them all individually in a quiz such as this. e.g. Broccoli, peppers, blackcurrants etc. Whereas what counts is Vitamin C.
Level 80
Aug 13, 2022
"Drum" or "percussion" should very obviously be accepted for the hi-hat question.
Level 70
Aug 13, 2022
See first 10 comments.
Level 73
Aug 24, 2022
It definitely isn’t a drum though. No membrane stretched over a frame.
Level 77
Feb 18, 2023
it always blows my mind that DNA is an acid. like, it's dissolved in water. when we picture acid we probably picture corrosive liquid in a test tube, and when we picture DNA we picture this solid double-helix. blows my mind every time that the latter is an example of the former.

anyway, great quiz!