bosphorus didn’t work for me just now - and btw that’s the generally recognised spelling, so that should be the displayed answer not just a type in. google bosporous and it will ask you if you meant bosphor(o)us
I open World Population Review , click on "World Cities" and there is Tokyo as n.1 with a population 37,435,191. However this site seems a bit strange as that is Tokyo metro area but then they've separated Guangzhou and Shenzen. They also have Chongqing as the 3rd largest city in China and 11th in the world.
Hi 'Lilylee' ...... I can't find one site that agrees with another when it comes to Asia's largest populated city. Some give Urban areas, or metro areas or regional areas, no-one seems to have a basic plan. I will go through them and try to get some agreement.
Tokyo - 8,336,599 - Japan
"Most populated city in the world beginning with T": Tokyo
"Most populated city in Asia beginning with T": Tianjin.
Pick one
Shanghai China 22,315,474
Beijing China 18,960,744
Shenzhen China 17,494,398
Guangzhou China 16,096,724
Istanbul Turkey 14,804,116