Hint | Answer | % Correct |
6) The UK's first female Prime Minister was Margaret ********? | Thatcher | 96%
2) What animal can be Siberian, Sumatran, or Bengal? | Tiger | 96%
1) If two's company, what is a 'crowd'? | Three | 95%
11) A commercial fish it's name derived from Ancient Greek for 'Fast' and is mostly canned? | Tuna | 95%
16) Sn is the periodic symbol for which element? | Tin | 73%
12) 'The Lord of the Rings' written by John Ronald Reuel ******* ? | Tolkien | 68%
10a) Name the two Island Nations in Oceania that begin with 'T'? | Tonga | 68%
20) Which amazonian bird has the largest beak of any bird? | Toucan | 68%
10b) " " ? | Tuvalu | 68%
3) What is the capital of Estonia? | Tallinn | 66%
17) Rising in Turkey and flowing through Syria and Iraq is which river beginning with 'T' | Tigris | 63%
13) The 33rd and one of the best Presidents of US, and one of the poorest financially? | Truman | 55%
8) The National Flower of Scotland is ? | Thistle | 52%
19) Which geological period followed the mass extinction at the end of the Permian period ? | Triassic | 45%
18) Mount Teide, Spains highest mountain at 3,715m is on which island? | Tenerife | 43%
5) What is the name given to the forests of cold, subarctic regions. ? | Taiga | 41%
7) What bird is named after an Asian country, but is native to the Americas? | Turkey | 38%
14) Obtained from the cassava root is what starchy food? | Tapioca | 34%
9) 'Pathetique' the 6th Symphony was composed by? | Tchaikovsky | 27%
4) Uranus has at least 27 moons, which is the largest? | Titania | 23%
15) An investment plan where a group invest an amount, which is payable to the last alive? | Tontine | 4%
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