Hint | Answer | % Correct |
In what year was the film released? | 1977 | 90%
What colour is the milk that Aunt Beru serves? | Blue | 81%
Who shot first? | Han Solo | 79%
What is the first planet seen in the film? | Tatooine | 77%
What is Tarkin's rank? | Grand Moff | 75%
Which legendary composer scored the film? | John Williams | 74%
What planet is destroyed by the Death Star? | Alderaan | 71%
What did Han Solo fly in less that 12 parsecs? | The Kessel Run | 71%
What are the hidden compartments on the Millennium Falcon used for? | Smuggling | 70%
Where were the Tatooine scenes filmed? | Tunisia | 66%
What is Luke's call sign at the battle of Yavin? | Red Five | 62%
What must be shut off to escape the Death Star? | Tractor beam | 60%
What did Luke used to 'bullseye' in his T-16? | Womp rats | 54%
Who is the only character to refer to Darth Vader simply as 'Darth'? | Ben Kenobi | 53%
Where does Leia falsely claim the Rebel base is located? | Dantooine | 51%
On how many systems does Dr. Evazan have the death sentence? | 12 | 50%
What animal was dressed up to create the bantha? | Asian elephant | 47%
Which alien originally appeared as a human? (Scene deleted) | Jabba the Hutt | 47%
What does Luke want to pick up at Tosche Station? | Power converters | 46%
How large was the exhaust port on the death star? | 2 metres | 38%
Who physically portrayed Darth Vader? | David Prowse | 37%
The work of which Japanese director helped inspire Star Wars? | Akira Kurosawa | 34%
Which ship is being chased during the opening scene? | Tantive IV | 34%
What is C-3PO standing next to when he spots the sandcrawler? | A skeleton | 27%
What is broken on the red astromech droid on Tatooine? | It's motivator | 21%
What creature lives in the trash compactor? | Dianoga | 11%
What is the name of the cantina band? | Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes | 9%
Who is disarmed in Chalmun's Cantina? | Ponda Baba | 9%
What game do Chewbacca and R2-D2 play? | Dejarik | 8%
What technique was used to produce the lightsaber effect? | Rotoscoping | 6%
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