Can you name all 37 characters who have appeared in all 31 seasons of The Simpsons.
(Two characters only requires the first name, due to the difficulty of spelling them and four other characters do not have surnames)
Characters with exclusively non-speaking roles are not counted
Titles such as Dr., jobs such as Chief and familial positions, such as Grandpa, will not be counted
Great quiz, I love this show, but I would recommend to be slightly more benevolent when it comes to some of the names, for example I wrote: Charles Montgomery Burns and it was not accepted as well as Moe Szyslak, (also I am not sure how many people would remember the name of those twin girls). And since you accept for expample Todd and Rod instead of their full names I would change some others as well.
Thanks for the suggestions. The main reason I accept Rod and Todd, is because their names are short for other names. Not all other characters have shortened names, and the ones in this quiz who do, all already have them as acceptable answers.
Except for Burns, whose shortened name is not accepted here. He is very rarely referred to as Charles Montgomery Burns. By your explanation Mr Burns, Monty or Montgomery Burns should all be accepted, but they aren't.
Two things. 1. If you look at the caveat section, you'll see that titles, such as Mr. or Dr. are not accepted, this has been there since the quiz was put up. 2. Montgomery is one of his three middle names. Most people are not referred to, exclusively, by their middle names. As such, I didn't feel the need to include it.
Sure, most people are not referred to by their middle names, but Burns is. Throughout the entirety of The Simpsons, he has been commonly known as Montgomery or Monty Burns. I feel as if it's appropriate to make the answers what the characters are commonly called.
But beside this it is very good.