Hard to compare eras. Look at Russell's rebounding stats, Wilt's scoring. Shaq was the most dominant player I've ever seen except for the foul line. That foul line problem, however, was a very big one. Hakeem was great, but #5 seems about right to me.
True...I'm a big fan of including Robert Horry in my list of greatest players of all time. He's got 7 championships after all. These experts clearly know nothing.
Russell had 7 other Hall of Famers with him at the time. If Wilt was in his situation he would've done just as well if not better. The fact that Wilt even managed to beat that intensely stacked team even once is insane by itself.
Bro wilt scored a hundred points, won the scoring title a bunch of times, but didn’t win any championships but who cares. Bill russells ppg average was 15.1 and wilts was 30.1. Do u guys not imagine how much wilt would destroy bill with just one shot?
Marc Gasol? What the hell is he even doing here, what he acomplished in his career to be here as one of the best? There's no Sabonis, who was literally a legend as a Center, but this one is included?