Name | Factions | Alignment | % Correct |
Darth Vader | Attacker, Leader, Empire | DS | 100%
C-3PO | Support, Droid, Galactic Republic | LS | 92%
Jedi Knight Anakin | Attacker, Leader, Galactic Republic | LS | 92%
R2-D2 | Support, Droid, Galactic Republic | LS | 92%
50R-T | Support, Leader, Droid | LS | 83%
Boba Fett | Attacker, Leader, Bounty Hunter | DS | 83%
Captain Rex | Support, Clone Trooper, Phoenix | LS | 83%
CC-2224 "Cody" | Attacker, Leader, Clone Trooper | LS | 83%
CT-21-0408 "Echo" | Support, 501st, Clone Trooper | LS | 83%
CT-7567 "Rex" | Support, Leader, 501st | LS | 83%
Echo | Support, Bad Batch, Clone Trooper | LS | 83%
Emperor Palpatine | Support, Leader, Empire | DS | 83%
General Grievous | Attacker, Leader, Droid | DS | 83%
Grand Master Yoda | Support, Leader, Jedi | LS | 83%
Hermit Yoda | Support, Jedi | LS | 83%
Hunter | Attacker, Leader, Bad Batch | LS | 83%
Jedi Master Luke Skywalker | Tank, Galactic Legend, Leader | LS | 83%
Princess Leia | Attacker, Leader, Rebel | LS | 83%
Tech | Support, Bad Batch, Clone Trooper | LS | 83%
Wrecker | Tank, Bad Batch, Clone Trooper | LS | 83%
B1 Battle Droid | Attacker, Droid, Separatist | DS | 75%
B2 Super Battle Droid | Tank, Droid, Separatist | DS | 75%
BB-8 | Support, Droid, Resistance | LS | 75%
Bossk | Tank, Leader, Bounty Hunter | DS | 75%
Chewbacca | Attacker, Rebel, Scoundrel | LS | 75%
Commander Luke Skywalker | Attacker, Leader, Rebel | LS | 75%
CT-5555 "Fives" | Tank, Leader, 501st | LS | 75%
Darth Maul | Attacker, Leader, Sith | DS | 75%
Han Solo | Attacker, Mercenary, Rebel | LS | 75%
Jar Jar Binks | Support, Gungan, Battle for Naboo | LS | 75%
Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker | Attacker, Leader, Jedi | LS | 75%
Lando Calrissian | Attacker, Leader, Rebel | LS | 75%
Lord Vader | Attacker, Leader, Galactic Legend | DS | 75%
Mace Windu | Tank, Leader, Galactic Republic | LS | 75%
Maul | Attacker, Leader, Mandalorian | DS | 75%
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben) | Tank, Leader, Jedi | LS | 75%
Asajj Ventress | Support, Leader, Nightsister | DS | 67%
Boba Fett, Scion of Jango | Attacker, Leader, Bounty Hunter | DS | 67%
Cad Bane | Support, Leader, Bounty Hunter | DS | 67%
Chopper | Support, Droid, Phoenix | LS | 67%
Clone Wars Chewbacca | Tank, Leader, Galactic Republic | LS | 67%
Commander Ahsoka Tano | Attacker, Galactic Republic, Scoundrel | LS | 67%
Ezra Bridger | Attacker, Jedi, Phoenix | LS | 67%
Finn | Tank, Leader, Resistance | LS | 67%
IG-11 | Healer, Droid, Scoundrel | LS | 67%
IG-12 & Grogu | Healer, Mandalorian | LS | 67%
IG-88 | Attacker, Leader, Bounty Hunter | DS | 67%
Kylo Ren | Attacker, First Order, Unaligned Force User | DS | 67%
Padawan Obi-Wan | Attacker, Galactic Republic, Jedi | LS | 67%
Padmé Amidala | Support, Leader, Galactic Republic | LS | 67%
Resistance Hero Finn | Attacker, Resistance | LS | 67%
Stormtrooper Han | Tank, Leader, Rebel | LS | 67%
Vandor Chewbacca | Tank, Mercenary, Scoundrel | LS | 67%
Veteran Smuggler Chewbacca | Attacker, Resistance, Scoundrel | LS | 67%
Aayla Secura | Support, Leader, Galactic Republic | LS | 58%
Bo-Katan (Mand'alor) | Attacker, Leader, Mandalorian | LS | 58%
Count Dooku | Attacker, Leader, Separatist | DS | 58%
Dengar | Attacker, Leader, Bounty Hunter | DS | 58%
Grand Moff Tarkin | Support, Leader, Empire | DS | 58%
Hera Syndulla | Support, Leader, Phoenix | LS | 58%
IG-86 Sentinel Droid | Attacker, Droid | DS | 58%
Ima-Gun Di | Support, Leader, Galactic Republic | LS | 58%
Imperial Probe Droid | Support, Droid, Empire | DS | 58%
Jawa | Attacker, Jawa | LS | 58%
Ki-Adi-Mundi | Attacker, Jedi, Galactic Republic | LS | 58%
Mother Talzin | Support, Leader, Nightsister | DS | 58%
Omega | Attacker, Bad Batch, Clone Trooper | LS | 58%
Padawan Sabine Wren | Attacker, Mandalorian, Spectre | LS | 58%
Resistance Hero Poe | Attacker, Resistance | LS | 58%
Rey | Attacker, Leader, Resistance | LS | 58%
Sabine Wren | Attacker, Mandalorian, Phoenix | LS | 58%
Bo-Katan Kryze | Attacker, Leader, Mandalorian | LS | 50%
Cal Kestis | Support, Unaligned Force User | LS | 50%
Cassian Andor | Support, Rebel, Rebel Fighter | LS | 50%
Grand Admiral Thrawn | Support, Leader, Empire | DS | 50%
Jedi Knight Cal Kestis | Attacker, Leader, Jedi | LS | 50%
Kanan Jarrus | Tank, Jedi, Phoenix | LS | 50%
Kit Fisto | Attacker, Leader, Galactic Republic | LS | 50%
Master Qui-Gon | Support, Galactic Republic, Jedi | LS | 50%
Plo Koon | Tank, Leader, Galactic Republic | LS | 50%
Qui-Gon Jinn | Support, Leader, Galactic Republic | LS | 50%
Shaak Ti | Support, Leader, Galactic Republic | LS | 50%
Supreme Leader Kylo Ren | Attacker, Leader, First Order | DS | 50%
Wicket | Attacker, Ewok | LS | 50%
0-0-0 | Support, Droid, Scoundrel | DS | 42%
Admiral Ackbar | Support, Leader, Rebel | LS | 42%
Boss Nass | Support, Leader, Gungan | LS | 42%
Darth Bane | Attacker, Leader, Sith | DS | 42%
Darth Malak | Tank, Sith, Sith Empire | DS | 42%
Darth Nihilus | Support, Leader, Sith | DS | 42%
Darth Revan | Attacker, Leader, Sith | DS | 42%
Embo | Attacker, Leader, Bounty Hunter | DS | 42%
First Order Stormtrooper | Tank, First Order | DS | 42%
General Hux | Support, Leader, First Order | DS | 42%
General Kenobi | Tank, Leader, Galactic Republic | LS | 42%
General Skywalker | Attacker, Leader, 501st | LS | 42%
Jabba the Hutt | Support, Leader, Galactic Legend | DS | 42%
Jango Fett | Attacker, Leader, Bounty Hunter | DS | 42%
Jedi Knight Revan | Attacker, Leader, Jedi | LS | 42%
Jedi Master Kenobi | Attacker, Leader, Galactic Legend | LS | 42%
K-2SO | Tank, Droid, Rebel | LS | 42%
Poggle the Lesser | Support, Leader, Geonosian | DS | 42%
Stormtrooper | Tank, Empire, Imperial Remnant | DS | 42%
Tarfful | Support, Leader, Wookiee | LS | 42%
The Mandalorian | Attacker, Leader, Bounty Hunter | LS | 42%
Wat Tambor | Support, Separatist | DS | 42%
Wedge Antilles | Attacker, Leader, Rebel | LS | 42%
Aurra Sing | Attacker, Leader, Bounty Hunter | DS | 33%
Barriss Offee | Healer, Leader, Galactic Republic | LS | 33%
Boushh (Leia Organa) | Attacker, Leader, Bounty Hunter | LS | 33%
Captain Tarpals | Attacker, Gungan, Battle for Naboo | LS | 33%
Dark Trooper Moff Gideon | Tank, Leader, Empire | DS | 33%
Darth Malgus | Tank, Leader, Sith | DS | 33%
Death Trooper | Attacker, Empire, Imperial Remnant | DS | 33%
Droideka | Attacker, Droid, Separatist | DS | 33%
Eeth Koth | Support, Leader, Galactic Republic | LS | 33%
Grand Inquisitor | Attacker, Leader, Empire | DS | 33%
Jyn Erso | Attacker, Leader, Rebel | LS | 33%
Leia Organa | Tank, Galactic Legend, Leader | LS | 33%
Luminara Unduli | Healer, Leader, Galactic Republic | LS | 33%
Moff Gideon | Support, Leader, Empire | DS | 33%
Mon Mothma | Support, Leader, Rebel | LS | 33%
Nute Gunray | Support, Leader, Scoundrel | DS | 33%
Rebel Officer Leia Organa | Attacker, Leader, Rebel | LS | 33%
Royal Guard | Tank, Empire | DS | 33%
Savage Opress | Attacker, Leader, Sith | DS | 33%
Sith Eternal Emperor | Attacker, Leader, Galactic Legend | DS | 33%
Tusken Raider | Attacker, Tusken | DS | 33%
Admiral Piett | Support, Leader, Empire | DS | 25%
Admiral Trench | Support, Leader, Separatist | DS | 25%
ARC Trooper | Attacker, 501st, Clone Trooper | LS | 25%
Ben Solo | Attacker, Unaligned Force User | LS | 25%
Captain Han Solo | Support, Rebel, Scoundrel | LS | 25%
Chief Chirpa | Support, Leader, Ewok | LS | 25%
Colonel Starck | Support, Empire, Imperial Trooper | DS | 25%
Darth Sidious | Attacker, Leader, Sith | DS | 25%
Doctor Aphra | Support, Leader, Mercenary | DS | 25%
Fennec Shand | Attacker, Leader, Bounty Hunter | DS | 25%
First Order SF TIE Pilot | Attacker, First Order | DS | 25%
First Order TIE Pilot | Attacker, First Order | DS | 25%
Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios | Tank, Rebel, Phoenix | LS | 25%
Geonosian Brood Alpha | Support, Leader, Geonosian | DS | 25%
Greedo | Attacker, Leader, Bounty Hunter | DS | 25%
IG-100 MagnaGuard | Tank, Droid, Separatist | DS | 25%
L3-37 | Tank, Droid, Mercenary | LS | 25%
Nightsister Acolyte | Attacker, Nightsister | DS | 25%
Night Trooper | Attacker, Imperial Remnant, Nightsister | DS | 25%
Paz Vizsla | Tank, Mandalorian | LS | 25%
Second Sister | Attacker, Leader, Empire | DS | 25%
Shoretrooper | Tank, Empire, Imperial Trooper | DS | 25%
Snowtrooper | Attacker, Empire, Imperial Trooper | DS | 25%
TIE Fighter Pilot | Attacker, Empire, Imperial Remnant | DS | 25%
Veteran Smuggler Han Solo | Attacker, Mercenary, Resistance | LS | 25%
Young Han Solo | Attacker, Mercenary, Scoundrel | LS | 25%
Admiral Raddus | Support, Leader, Rebel | LS | 17%
Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) | Attacker, Rebel, Unaligned Force User | LS | 17%
Amilyn Holdo | Tank, Resistance, Fleet Commander | LS | 17%
Bastila Shan | Support, Leader, Jedi | LS | 17%
Bastila Shan (Fallen) | Support, Sith, Sith Empire | DS | 17%
Baze Malbus | Tank, Rebel, Rebel Fighter | LS | 17%
Biggs Darklighter | Support, Rebel, Rebel Fighter | LS | 17%
Bistan | Attacker, Rebel, Rebel Fighter | LS | 17%
BT-1 | Attacker, Droid, Scoundrel | DS | 17%
Cara Dune | Tank, Mercenary, Rebel | LS | 17%
Carth Onasi | Attacker, Leader, Old Republic | LS | 17%
Dark Trooper | Attacker, Droid, Empire | DS | 17%
Darth Sion | Tank, Sith | DS | 17%
Darth Talon | Attacker, Sith | DS | 17%
Darth Traya | Support, Leader, Sith | DS | 17%
Ewok Scout | Attacker, Ewok | LS | 17%
Ezra Bridger (Exile) | Support, Jedi, Spectre | LS | 17%
Fifth Brother | Support, Leader, Empire | DS | 17%
First Order Executioner | Attacker, First Order | DS | 17%
Gamorrean Guard | Tank, Hutt Cartel, Scoundrel | DS | 17%
General Veers | Support, Leader, Empire | DS | 17%
Geonosian Soldier | Attacker, Geonosian, Separatist | DS | 17%
Geonosian Spy | Attacker, Geonosian, Separatist | DS | 17%
Greef Karga | Support, Leader, Bounty Hunter | LS | 17%
Hondo Ohnaka | Support, Mercenary, Scoundrel | DS | 17%
Hoth Rebel Scout | Attacker, Rebel, Rebel Fighter | LS | 17%
Hoth Rebel Soldier | Support, Rebel, Rebel Fighter | LS | 17%
Jawa Engineer | Healer, Jawa | LS | 17%
Jawa Scavenger | Support, Jawa | LS | 17%
Kyle Katarn | Attacker, Jedi, Mercenary | LS | 17%
Kylo Ren (Unmasked) | Tank, Leader, First Order | DS | 17%
Lobot | Support, Leader, Rebel | LS | 17%
Merrin | Support, Nightsister | DS | 17%
Pao | Attacker, Rebel, Rebel Fighter | LS | 17%
Qi'ra | Support, Leader, Mercenary | LS | 17%
Range Trooper | Support, Empire, Imperial Trooper | DS | 17%
Rey (Scavenger) | Attacker, Resistance, Unaligned Force User | LS | 17%
Rose Tico | Attacker, Resistance | LS | 17%
Saw Gerrera | Support, Leader, Rebel | LS | 17%
Seventh Sister | Healer, Leader, Empire | DS | 17%
Sith Empire Trooper | Tank, Sith, Sith Empire | DS | 17%
Sith Trooper | Attacker, First Order, Sith | DS | 17%
Skiff Guard (Lando Calrissian) | Attacker, Hutt Cartel, Scoundrel | LS | 17%
Starkiller | Attacker, Unaligned Force User | DS | 17%
Tusken Shaman | Healer, Tusken | DS | 17%
Ugnaught | Support | LS | 17%
Wampa | Attacker | DS | 17%
Young Lando Calrissian | Attacker, Mercenary, Scoundrel | LS | 17%
Ahsoka Tano (Snips) | Attacker, Leader, 501st | LS | 8%
Baylan Skoll | Tank, Leader, Mercenary | DS | 8%
Bodhi Rook | Support, Rebel, Rebel Fighter | LS | 8%
Captain Phasma | Support, Leader, First Order | DS | 8%
Cere Junda | Support, Leader, Scoundrel | LS | 8%
Chief Nebit | Tank, Leader, Jawa | LS | 8%
Chirrut Îmwe | Attacker, Rebel, Rebel Fighter | LS | 8%
Dash Rendar | Support, Leader, Mercenary | LS | 8%
Death Trooper (Peridea) | Attacker, Imperial Remnant, Nightsister | DS | 8%
Director Krennic | Support, Leader, Empire | DS | 8%
Eighth Brother | Attacker, Leader, Empire | DS | 8%
Gar Saxon | Tank, Leader, Empire | DS | 8%
Great Mothers | Support, Leader, Nightsister | DS | 8%
HK-47 | Attacker, Leader, Droid | DS | 8%
Huyang | Attacker, Droid, Spectre | LS | 8%
Iden Versio | Attacker, Leader, Empire | DS | 8%
Jedi Consular | Healer, Galactic Republic, Jedi | LS | 8%
Jedi Knight Guardian | Tank, Galactic Republic, Jedi | LS | 8%
Kelleran Beq | Attacker, Leader, Galactic Republic | LS | 8%
Krrsantan | Tank, Leader, Bounty Hunter | DS | 8%
Kuiil | Support, Scoundrel | LS | 8%
Logray | Support, Ewok | LS | 8%
Luke Skywalker (Farmboy) | Attacker, Leader, Rebel | LS | 8%
Mara Jade, The Emperor's Hand | Attacker, Empire, Unaligned Force User | DS | 8%
Marrok | Support, Inquisitorius, Mercenary | DS | 8%
Mob Enforcer | Support, Hutt Cartel, Scoundrel | DS | 8%
Nightsister Spirit | Attacker, Nightsister | DS | 8%
Nightsister Zombie | Tank, Nightsister | DS | 8%
Ninth Sister | Tank, Leader, Empire | DS | 8%
Old Daka | Healer, Leader, Nightsister | DS | 8%
Poe Dameron | Tank, Leader, Resistance | LS | 8%
Resistance Pilot | Attacker, Resistance | LS | 8%
Resistance Trooper | Attacker, Resistance | LS | 8%
Rey (Jedi Training) | Tank, Leader, Resistance | LS | 8%
Scarif Rebel Pathfinder | Tank, Rebel, Rebel Fighter | LS | 8%
Scout Trooper | Support, Empire, Imperial Remnant | DS | 8%
Shin Hati | Attacker, Mercenary, Unaligned Force User | DS | 8%
Sun Fac | Tank, Geonosian, Separatist | DS | 8%
Talia | Healer, Leader, Nightsister | DS | 8%
Teebo | Tank, Leader, Ewok | LS | 8%
The Mandalorian (Beskar Armor) | Attacker, Leader, Mandalorian | LS | 8%
Third Sister | Tank, Leader, Empire | DS | 8%
Threepio & Chewie | Attacker, Droid, Rebel | LS | 8%
Visas Marr | Healer, Unaligned Force User | LS | 8%
Zam Wesell | Attacker, Leader, Bounty Hunter | DS | 8%
Canderous Ordo | Attacker, Mandalorian, Mercenary | DS | 0%
Captain Drogan | Attacker, Rebel, Rebel Fighter | LS | 0%
Captain Enoch | Support, Leader, Imperial Remnant | DS | 0%
Clone Sergeant - Phase I | Attacker, Clone Trooper, Galactic Republic | LS | 0%
Coruscant Underworld Police | Support, Galactic Republic | LS | 0%
Dathcha | Support, Leader, Jawa | LS | 0%
Enfys Nest | Attacker, Scoundrel, Smuggler | LS | 0%
Ewok Elder | Healer, Ewok | LS | 0%
First Order Officer | Support, First Order | DS | 0%
Gungan Boomadier | Attacker, Gungan, Battle for Naboo | LS | 0%
Gungan Phalanx | Tank, Gungan, Battle for Naboo | LS | 0%
Imperial Super Commando | Attacker, Empire, Mandalorian | DS | 0%
Jolee Bindo | Healer, Jedi, Old Republic | LS | 0%
Juhani | Tank, Jedi, Old Republic | LS | 0%
Luthen Rael | Support, Rebel, Rebel Fighter | LS | 0%
Magmatrooper | Attacker, Empire, Imperial Trooper | DS | 0%
Mission Vao | Attacker, Mercenary, Old Republic | LS | 0%
Morgan Elsbeth | Tank, Nightsister | DS | 0%
Nightsister Initiate | Attacker, Nightsister | DS | 0%
Paploo | Tank, Ewok | LS | 0%
Princess Kneesaa | Attacker, Ewok | LS | 0%
Queen Amidala | Support, Leader, Galactic Republic | LS | 0%
Rey (Dark Side Vision) | Attacker, First Order, Sith | DS | 0%
Sana Starros | Attacker, Leader, Mercenary | LS | 0%
Sith Assassin | Attacker, Sith, Sith Empire | DS | 0%
Sith Marauder | Attacker, Sith, Sith Empire | DS | 0%
STAP | Attacker, Droid, Separatist | DS | 0%
T3-M4 | Support, Droid, Old Republic | LS | 0%
Taron Malicos | Attacker, Unaligned Force User | DS | 0%
The Armorer | Support, Leader, Mandalorian | LS | 0%
Tusken Chieftain | Support, Leader, Tusken | DS | 0%
Tusken Warrior | Attacker, Tusken | DS | 0%
URoRRuR'R'R | Support, Leader, Tusken | DS | 0%
Zaalbar | Tank, Mercenary, Old Republic | LS | 0%
Zorii Bliss | Support, Resistance, Scoundrel | LS | 0%
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