
Most frequent Tarantino movie actors

Type all the actors and actresses who starred in at least 3 movies directed by Quentin Tarantino. Answers are ranked by the number of movies they starred in and, in case of parity, in alphabetical order.
Only movies directed by Tarantino are considered. Movies only produced or only written by Tarantino are not included (e.g. From Dusk Till Down).
Tarantino himself is not in the list.
Uncredited performances, stuntmen or background actors have not to be considered.
Quiz by aiek
Last updated: September 29, 2019
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First submittedSeptember 28, 2019
Times taken60
Average score36.4%
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First appearance
Latest appearance
Samuel L. Jackson
Pulp Fiction
The Hateful Eight
Michael Madsen
Reservoir Dogs
Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood
James Parks
Kill Bill: Vol. 1
Django Unchained
Michael Parks
Kill Bill: Vol. 1
Django Unchained
Michael Bacall
Death Proof
Django Unchained
Michael Bowen
Jackie Brown
Django Unchained
Omar Doom
Death Proof
Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood
Julie Dreyfus
Kill Bill: Vol. 1
Inglorious Basterds
Tim Roth
Reservoir Dogs
Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood (deleted scene)
Kurt Russell
Death Proof
Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood
Uma Thurman
Pulp Fiction
Kill Bill: Vol. 2
Level 85
Sep 29, 2019
Nice quiz. But if you're counting his deleted scene in Once Upon a Time, hasn't Tim Roth been in 4?

Also, you spelled Inglourious wro... um... right :)