I reset this quiz to use the official statistics from the French census. Other statistics from the UN and Eurostat have different numbers. The Wikipedia pages (both French and English versions) are very bad. These numbers might not include naturalized citizens, but I'm not sure.
There's a definitions tag on top of your source. An immigrant is a person born abroad as a foreigner (non-French) and living in France. This quality is permanent. So naturalized French citizens are included in the numbers, but not French citizens by birth born abroad.
That's a good definition and makes sense. The only problem is that the total number of immigrants given by the census appears to be smaller than that given by other sources.
Yep, the 3rd world's biggest. My hometown of Marseilles is the main population center for Armenians in France, about 1/10 or 1/8 of the people I've known at school or at my workplace are Armenians.
From what I understand, lots of Portuguese fled from Salazar's regime. The closest country that wasn't a dictatorship as well, given that Franco ruled over Spain back then, was France, which also happened to be a more developped country. Historically France is used to welcome immigrants as wars had depleted their male population (e.g. the Franco-Prussian wars, WW1 and to a lesser degree WW2). I think that also helped a bit.
also, proximity between French and Portuguese languages ; and at that time France needed a lot of workforce to rebuild the country that was in ruins after WWII.
Portugal continues to be the poorest country in Western Europe, and relatively many Portuguese people speak French as a second language. Add to that the EU's freedom of movement, and you have your explanation.
Please note that the number of Algerian, Tunisian or Morrocan-born residents may also include Pieds Noirs (children of French or otherwise European colonists who were granted French citizenship in the early 20th century and all came to mainland France after those countries became independent in the 50's and 60's). They are in their 60's and over now, but there are still a lot of them in the South.
No Indians? According to the Wikipedia page for the Indian diaspora, there are 109,000 people of Indian descent in France, but the source for this says only 36,250 and another Wikipedia page ("Indians in France") says ~65,000. I'm curious why there seems to be no good data on this.
I'm guessing the numbers probably only include legal immigration - otherwise, Comoros should be high on this list, as well as Brazil (in French Guyana).
This statement is incorrect. Despite very average levels of immigration, Europe has not obtained Africa's population, linguistic diversity, size, and many other things.
(on a serious note, there's nothing sad about it, as Ainmclarch said)
Europe turned into Africa 2.0
(on a serious note, there's nothing sad about it, as Ainmclarch said)