
Top 10 Most Islamic European Countries

Name the 10 European countries that have the highest percentage of Islamic residents.
Not counting Turkey
Source: Wikipedia
Quiz by tomato
Last updated: May 4, 2023
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First submittedDecember 21, 2014
Times taken133,847
Average score70.0%
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Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
10 – 12
106 Recent Comments
Level ∞
May 11, 2019
I deleted practically all the comments on this quiz. It's a controversial topic, so if you decide to post please be extra polite. And both sides of the "argument" were equally impolite, so please don't take this as evidence that your "side" is right.
Level 81
May 12, 2019
I'm not on a side and some of my comments survived. I must be right.
Level 40
May 8, 2023
You are on a side AND you are equally impolite, and


generally true throughout history.

Level 15
Jul 31, 2019
Quizmaster, just because comments are controversial does not mean they should be deleted. Can we not agree to disagree?
Level 67
Jul 31, 2019
He doesn't delete comments for being controversial. He deletes them for being rude. Usually controversial issues get people fired up, and rudeness ensues.
Level 81
Jul 31, 2019
I've seen comments get deleted for being merely controversial and not rude.
Level 81
Feb 2, 2022
and often for no reason at all
Level 78
May 18, 2023
I genuinely don't think that you realize how rude so many of your comments come across. Spoiler alert...super duper rude.
Level 93
Aug 22, 2023
He either doesn't know or doesn't care how rude he is, because there's comments of his going back almost a decade on here that are unabashedly rude and impolite.
Level 50
Dec 8, 2024
"No reason at all" is the most polite argument I've ever read coming from this guy...
Level 68
May 11, 2019
Level 81
May 12, 2019
This means that they are making an educated guess.
Level 84
May 15, 2019
In Russia it varies widely depending on methodology. Some people count simply "traditionally Muslim ethnicities", on the other hand there were some detailed researches asking also about practising a religion and including categories such as spiritual but not religious, religious but not organized (belonging to any church) etc.
Level 77
May 13, 2019
Is the 10-17% for Russia in the European part of Russia only, or in Russia as a whole? Funny that Russia, as a transcontinental country counts, but Turkey does not.
Level 84
May 15, 2019
The argument for this is that most of Russian population is in Europe and most of Turkish population is in Asia.
Level 44
May 7, 2020
But it doesn't change the fact that turkey is in Europe. Maybe just include the European population on the quiz.
Level 29
Nov 29, 2020
Of course, Turkey is partially located in Europe, but to be considered a 'European country' like in the quiz title, it requires to have most of its population within the European continent. Thereby, it's a matter of fact not to include Turkey in any way. Every country belongs to a single continent, so does Turkey.
Level 47
Aug 22, 2023
It's not a matter of fact, it's a matter of opinion. And Turkey is probably the best example to show that a country can be in MORE than one continent.
Level 84
Jan 2, 2021
It is up to the quizmaker to decide, there's no ultimate answer, that's why it has to be noted in caveats. All I said is that there's a valid argument for such a decision, but it could be also different.
Level 44
Oct 23, 2020
If Turkey is included as an European country, so should be Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan too since they are also partially in Europe
Level 72
May 4, 2023
Well, yeah. They're partly in Europe, and thus European.
Level 93
Aug 22, 2023
They aren't though...?
Level 67
Mar 6, 2024
Parts of them stick out into the commonly accepted "borders" of Europe and Asia, specifically the border between European and Asian Russia. If you accept that border, then you can't start with a completely different border just because it's a different country.
Level 75
May 13, 2024
Indonesia should be included because it has some embassies in European countries which is technically Indonesian soil on the European continent and Indonesia has WAY more Muslims than any of these countries.
Level 44
Jul 31, 2019
Austria really surprised me, because I live in an Austrian city called Linz, and I haven't really noticed many more Muslims than in Germany!

Otherwise, great quiz! The easiest was obviously Albania, due to the thumbnail...

Do you have quizzes like "Most Islamic Asian/African/American Countries"? That would be cool to know. :-)

Level 51
Jul 31, 2019
Yep follow link:
Level 51
Jul 31, 2019
And this one:
Level 71
Feb 5, 2021
I'm also surprised that Austria made it above Germany. I know that in terms of sheer numbers Germany must have more Muslims, but it's still somewhat surprise given that I hear all the time about Germany's huge Turkish population and their acceptance of refugees while I hear nothing about Austria's Muslim population.
Level 68
Jul 31, 2019
Austria and Sweden surprised me. Is it because they're "safer" countries with a lower crime rate for migrants? Surprised UK didn't make the list - Probably because our population is already high
Level 70
Jul 31, 2019
I think the UK is around 4%. It is probably related to the already high population and possibly the reluctance to take in immigrants.
Level 59
Jul 31, 2019
Most of the muslims in UK live in London. Look at the ethnical stats, it's funny to know that nowadays, white English are less than 50% in London ahah
Level 68
Jul 31, 2019
Yeah, large communities in London. But also here in Northern England, towns like Bolton, Blackburn, Oldham, Preston, Bradford, Leeds.. And then big cities like Manchester and Birmingham have many Muslim communities, so thought that rate might have been higher, but I guess as it is a percentage it could be as there's so many people in the UK to start with.
Level 71
Jul 31, 2019
I don't know how you can have such precise datas for France considering it's illegal to make polls demanding people's religion here.
Level 66
Jul 31, 2019
How does any social science research on population differences get done in France?
Level 37
Jul 31, 2019
They don't, the government is too afraid of how people will react if they hear the truth.
Level 81
Aug 1, 2019
If you ask people to volunteer this information is that the same as demanding it?
Level 69
Feb 6, 2021
That's absolutely wrong. The State and public officials cannot ask about religious affiliation, but if you're a private person or entity, you can ask all you want.
Level 61
Mar 6, 2021
It's not illegal. Racial surveys and polls are illegal, but it's not when it comes to religion. For instance, one of the last polls of Ifop was about the Laïcité in high school. There were stats about Muslims' feelings about Laïcité.
Level 22
Jul 31, 2019
The Balkans, except some country (for example Serbia), are correct answers. It isn't a big surprise, if you know that, these countries were part of the Ottoman Empire. The other muslim countries are well-know imigration countries. Russia is interesting. The chechens and tatars are muslims, maybe because the islamic world has big impact on these territories. I'm curious about your opinion in this topic.
Level 81
Sep 17, 2019
The parts of Russia that are majority-Muslim were also part of the Ottoman Empire, or else inhabited by other Muslim Turkic or central Asian people. Look at a map. You'll see Russia is closer to Turkey than Bosnia is.
Level 84
May 4, 2023
Only a small part of Russia is due to Ottoman Empire. More because of Persia and related states.
Level 31
Jul 31, 2019
I got 10/10, Austria was a surprise.
Level 70
Sep 27, 2019
Sad to see Austria, Sweden and France making the list.
Level 81
Oct 4, 2019
If France was so worried about this they might have wanted to consider it before colonizing much of North Africa. Austria and Sweden are nice places to live with relatively low populations that receive a disproportionately high number of immigrants. In each of these three cases the present number of Muslims in the country I think points toward some success the country enjoyed in the present or recent past. Each new generation faces new challenges. If these societies are strong they will continue to thrive in the future.
Level 64
Jan 10, 2020
People from Islamic countries do not share the values the majority of Europeans share. In my opinion, all religions are a barrier to progress, and Islam is currently the largest barrier to progress. I cannot see continued levels of Islamic immigration to Europe ending well.

Part of the problem I think is that Muslims tend to stick together in their host country, they stick to their culture and this is definitely a problem.

Level 62
Oct 6, 2024
If a bunch of people hated you, would you not stay together?
Level 68
Mar 8, 2020
Why should the modern French pay for the crimes of their ancestors?
Level 69
May 4, 2023
I mean, modern French continue to benefit from the crimes of their ancestors, so. . .
Level 75
May 13, 2024
Nice self-report that you consider Muslims existing to be a punishment. Though "BlackpilledAnglo" was self-report enough, imo.
Level 81
Apr 25, 2020
Nobody said that
Level 43
May 23, 2020
@stusum You don't think people should be allowed to keep their culture? That's pretty authoritarian.
Level 48
Sep 23, 2020
@purplememes "ancestors", like colonization was 1000 years ago. 80 years ago almost all Asia and Africa still belonged to Europe. This is the beautiful world Europeans created, immigration is part of it. Enjoy.
Level 35
Oct 21, 2020
but North Africa was colonised by muslims in the first place... muslims also colonised South Eastern Europe...
Level 81
May 25, 2021
So what if they did? Was France there to punish Muslims for their imperial past? Or to set up an empire of its own? If the latter (and it obviously was the latter), well there are consequences for doing that. And no, it's not a punishment. It's just observing the fact of cause and effect.
Level 59
Jun 1, 2021
"all religions are a barrier to progress"

This is such a silly uneducated statement.

In fact the opposite is true, up until the 20th century the vast majority of science and technology in Europe and the Middle east was create by religious sponsered organisations and individuals.

It was churches and mosques that promoted studies of medicine, astronomy, physiology and arcitecture through out the middle ages and early modern period.

Even the very concept of human rights and movements like abolisionism was created by christian sects like the quakers.

Just look at how many charitable organisations are christian or mulsim, the red cross, red crescent, save the children, city mission to name a few.

Even ethical consent is religious in origin.

Read a history book or two before making bland infactual statements.

Level 63
Jun 1, 2021
yeah there are way too many reddit atheists here
Level 67
Jun 1, 2021
These people do not belong in Western-Europe.
Level 64
Jun 1, 2021
@Bdubz - I can't recall saying people shouldn't be allowed to keep their culture?

It is not authoritarian to dislike cultures that are overwhelmingly homophobic and sexist and it is perfectly acceptable to wish that anyone who wants to immigrate to the West, will adopt the culture of their host country.

If you disagree with progressive values then I don't want you in my country.

Level 75
May 13, 2024
I (a total nobody) have two thoughts here.

On the one hand, I agree. I do not want more homophobia and misogyny. On the other hand, I think it's... bizarre... to presume that a Muslim MUST adopt the culture of their host country to not be homophobic and misogynistic.

Muslim cultures are not defined by either of these prejudices. They are common prejudices in many Muslim societies, but it is perfectly possible for an Egyptian immigrant for example to continue practicing Islam, speaking Arabic, cooking Egyptian meals, following Egyptian etiquette, and involving himself in the local Muslim community without being a homophobe or a misogynist, and such cases have happened. I would not consider that assimilation.

Also, while not as strongly as in literal Islamic theocracies, homophobia and misogyny are both present and healthy in many European societies. "Adopting host culture" could mean joining a far-right hate group (which is not unknown among ex-Muslims who "overcorrect", unfortunately).

Level 71
May 27, 2024
This is very true and should seem obvious. A lot of Muslims in the United States adopt some of the values of their host countries without assimilating, especially after a generation or two. Most young, American-born immigrants are not massive racists or sexists or homophobes. In fact, many find common cause with minority groups because of a shared history of discrimination. This doesn't take away from their ethnic or cultural identity. I'm not a Muslim, but as a Bangladeshi, there are values that I find backward and outdated about American culture. There are also values I find backward and outdated about Bengali culture. I'm allowed to cherry pick what values I think are best from both cultures and I think I'm a better person because of it.
Level 62
Oct 6, 2024
That's not very "progressive" of you lol to hate a culture. Homophobia and sexism are prevalent in some places but never are those integral to a culture. Also weird to assume everyone is the same in an area and has the same ideals.
Level 64
Jun 1, 2021
@mizu - Very surprising that religious institutions promoted learning in Europe. It's almost as if the vast majority of people were religious and such institutions had all the wealth...
Level 81
Jun 1, 2021
Yeah, mizu, that's so off... Just because the Church controlled literally everything in Europe for so long doesn't mean that religion generally is not an impediment to scientific progress. Same goes for Islam in the Muslim world. This is like saying the United States and Soviet Union were chiefly responsible for keeping the number of nuclear warheads in the world low because in the 1990s they each agreed to destroy thousands of them while those war mongers in Switzerland didn't get rid of any.
Level 59
Jun 2, 2021
Religion and Science until the 20th century always went hand in hand. People constantly talk about how religion has always worked against science which as pointed out is simply not true.

Yes religion has been used to impede scientific process but to no where near the level that it has supported it and certainly not to the level many often claim.

The idea that religion is bad for society and is responsible for all the evils of the world is wrong and not based on any reality.


Level 81
Jun 2, 2021
not all of them. but a lot of them. I think all is a strawman. "a lot" is well documented.
Level 43
May 23, 2020
I'm surprised to not see Spain
Level 66
Aug 14, 2020
I'm very surprised not to see Vatican City...
Level 32
Dec 21, 2020
Kosovo isnt a country
Level 79
Apr 15, 2021
They are a country according to the US and many other countries that believe in national autonomy. If you don't agree with that, well then they probably should be allowed to be a country so they can protect themselves and their culture.
Level 67
Jun 2, 2021
The definition of a country is so broad that no one can tell defiantly if an area is actually a country and not an autonomous area/semi-autonomous area. If your definition is an area where all other "countries" accept it, then China and the Korean Peninsula just don't belong to anyone. If your definition is any autonomous area, then there are over 250 countries.
Level 20
Jun 1, 2021
I'm surprised that Austria is here
Level 60
Jun 1, 2021
doesnt Serbia have like 20%?
Level 36
Jun 2, 2021
Jetpunk doesn't include KOSOVO as a part of Serbia.
Level 67
Jun 1, 2021
Who wants to have a Cyprus argument? Anyone?
Level 67
Jun 1, 2021
It's actually been a long time since I saw that one. Never hurts to dust off the Greatest Hits.
Level 67
Jun 1, 2021
It doesn’t matter to me what continent Cyprus is in. I’d personally say Europe, but I’m fine with the website making it officially Asia.
Level 67
Jun 2, 2021

Cyprus is a European country because it's culturally closer to Europe, and has been for thousands of years. Its also on the Eur(asian) tectonic plate, and so must be European.

Level 72
Jul 12, 2024
If I am not mistaken, it is on the Anatolian plate. So we should make a new continent. And declare Cyprus not part of either Europe Asia or Africa
Level 59
May 4, 2023
Cyprus is in Asia and belongs to Turkey.
Level 36
Jun 2, 2021
Came here just for the comments
Level 25
Jun 2, 2021
Wait what since when was Kosovo islamic?! XD
Level 69
May 6, 2023
Since Albanians converted to Islam under Ottoman rule.
Level 67
Jun 2, 2021
Wait. Montenegro exists?
Level 71
Jun 4, 2021
Forgot about Russia and Sweden
Level 32
Jul 18, 2021
Allah Gift The Rest And Let Them Enter Islam
Level 51
Nov 12, 2021
only knew Bosnia and Herzegovina
Level 24
Jan 5, 2022
I did this quiz .0:51 seconds remaining
Level 71
May 4, 2023
Level 81
May 3, 2022
Back in Amsterdam for the first time in about 18 years. I knew that the number of Muslim immigrants had increased dramatically here in the interim, but actually seeing it it's almost shocking that The Netherlands doesn't show up on the quiz. The neighborhood I'm in in Western Amsterdam is quite large and has to be 90-98% Muslim - mostly Turks and Algerians. I was just in Austria about a week ago and didn't see nearly as many. Maybe other cities are different.
Level 71
May 4, 2023
Just missed Belgium
Level 69
May 12, 2023
It's nuts that France will be majority Muslim within most of our lifetimes if current trends continue.
Level 41
May 12, 2023
france, austria, and belgium are revolting.
Level 49
May 17, 2023
Revolting against who? I haven't heard of anything happening in any of those countries.
Level 28
Jun 27, 2023
recent terrorist attacks
Level 62
Oct 7, 2024
maybe Napoleon escaped another island? Who knows?
Level 49
May 17, 2023
Well, didn't have to scroll down too far to find the Islamophobia. That's nice :/
Level 39
Jan 12, 2024
Totally guessed Belgium in the last 30s
Level 55
Feb 22, 2024
Level 64
May 8, 2024
If I could dislike comments I would...
Level 62
May 21, 2024
You can see the islamophobia increase as time goes on in the comments, but hey lets elect more extremist european leaders and spread more hatred towards eachother on this continent...
Level 78
Nov 5, 2024
Islam does not belong in Europe. Never did
Level 87
Nov 7, 2024
How does one determine what does or doesn't "belong in Europe"? What does that concept mean?

Does Christianity "belong" in Europe? It is every bit as plagiarized from Judaism as Islam is (maybe even a bit moreso) and, if popular protests are to be believed, Jews don't "belong" anywhere.

So now what?

Level 45
Sep 8, 2024
Sweden has 12% muslim
Level 62
Oct 7, 2024
no, it doesnt. about 2%.
Level 62
Oct 6, 2024
The comments never cease to dissapoint
Level 42
Jan 17, 2025
I'm not surprised to see such comments here.