Mary Poppins Song Lyrics | Mary Poppins Song | % Correct |
Up to the highest height and send it souring | Let's Go Fly a Kite | 78%
Come by my bags full of crumbs; come feed the little birds show them they care | Feed the Birds | 75%
She's supercalifragilisticexpealidocious | Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious | 70%
In every job that must be done there is an element of fun you find the fun and snap the job's a game and every task you undertake becomes a piece of cake... | A Spoonful of Sugar | 58%
Flap like a birdie... | Step in Time | 40%
Chim chimany chim chim cheree here I'm as lucky as lucky can be | Chim Chim Cheree | 35%
Our daughters will love us singing thank you sister suffragette... | Sister Suffragette | 33%
If you want this position have a cheery disposition... | The Perfect Nanny | 19%
It's a jolly holiday with Mary | It's a Jolly Holiday with Mary | 18%
This song is instrumental and includes dancing penguins and a dancing Bert | Penguin Dance | 6%
I know what's to happen it's happened before... | One Man Band | 3%
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