Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Percussion instrument | Xylophone | 96%
Photograph obtained by electromagnetic radiation | X-ray | 86%
Mistrust or fear of strangers | Xenophobia | 85%
Colorless, odorless gas | Xenon | 80%
TV singing competition | X Factor | 76%
Famous photocopy machine | Xerox | 75%
King of Persia | Xerxes | 55%
Greek letter | Xi | 51%
Woody plant tissue | Xylem | 37%
Brand name of alprazolam | Xanax | 36%
Summer palace of Kublai Khan | Xanadu | 34%
University in Cincinnati, OH | Xavier | 32%
Polysaccharide used as a food additive | Xanthan gum | 15%
Former monetary unit of Vietnam | Xu | 13%
Webcomic created by Randall Munroe | xkcd | 8%
Instrument for measuring color of sea or lake water | Xanthometer | 2%