Special thanks to the following people for helping me make this quiz: Stewart for reducing filesize and for fixing some problems with the map, ABritishCat for helping with the data, and Stef2 for adding type-ins to Welsh cities.
Sources: citypopulation.de, Wikipedia is used if the data is unreliable/inaccurate, cityproper population
This quiz will update at most every 1st of November. Please tell me if you find any mistackes.
Sørum most definetly isn't above 100k, you might have confused it with Bærum. Nizhny Novogorod should work and Rostov on don(or just plain Rosotv) as well.
I finally got around to taking this huge quiz. Got 708. I could have done a lot better, but there is only limited time, so I don’t have much time to think about the cities. I skipped over some obvious ones, like Vancouver, Lyon, and HONOLULU (I have no idea how I would miss Honolulu, as the dot is in the ocean far from any other dots.) Of course I could have took the quiz untimed, but I wanted my results to be in the stats and if this quiz featured I would get points for it, instead of having to retake the whole thing. Maybe in a couple months I will take this quiz untimed and see how much better I would do.
Once again, I appreciate your amazing work on this quiz, and hope this gets featured!
Shortly above ciudad acuna in Mexico there´s a city which doesn´t exist. I wondered which city it could be and looked on google maps, citypopulation and also geonames and nowhere I could find the city.
Great quizz! I've noticed some cities don't seem to work when typing them : Nezahualcóyotl ; Acapulco ; Iguala de la Independencia ; Ciudad Guayana ; Ciudad del este.
In the update, can you accept Moresby for Port Moresby, Sunshine for Sunshine Coast, Gold for Gold Coast, and Central and Gosford for Central Coast. I did that for my Oceania quizzes, especially since Central Coast is often considered just to be a beach and Gosford is the main city.
Great quiz although with nerve damaged hands I'll never be able to type in all the cities I know, lol. I've taken three times. Once I never got to any of the US cites over 100k, although I know them from doing the US cities over 100k quiz, another time I never got to most of the Russian cities, etc. Ah well. Quizzes like this motivate me to keep my hands limber.
One quibble: could you accept Essentuki for Yessentuki? I realize that Wikipeda shows the city name as Yessentuki; however, the link to a Russian website shows the city's name as Essentuki. It appears other websites such as Trip Advisor call the city Essentuki as well as other Jet Punk Quizzes, such as the all European Cities over 100k. Thanks for reading and for the great quiz!
Great quiz - but for some reason a significant number of cities don't turn green (even though they get accepted correctly), making it frustrating later on when you don't know if you've already typed in a city, it shows on the map as orange still so you type it in but nothing changes...
Zoom in. Like +SeekerSpock1 mentioned above, I wish there was another level of zooming in. There are tons of cities overlapping with one another. I would have to size the dots very precisely to overcome this problem but at that point, they will be almost impossible to distinguish between.
Hey, it looks like there a few mistakes that I couldn't find other comments about.
Zhengzhou, China (10.3m) is missing.
Roanoke, VA, US (101k) is missing.
There is a dot for Wilmington, Delaware despite it only having around 70k people. There should be a dot for Wilmington, North Carolina (120k) instead, which is missing.
Sfax is generally accepted as a type-in for Safaqis, Tunisia. (Personally though, I don't mind, thanks for making me look it up and learning something new)
if I were to update this quiz, I would likely need to incorporate more recent city population data for each country, which for one would take a long time to compile. then, I would have to go through the hassle of finding the coordinates for over 5,000 cities as well as completely updating the proximity version and the complex type-ins required for it to function. not to mention the sheer amount of double-checking that would be required, along with the plethora of type-ins that would need to be added for cities that are in different languages, which, when I made this quiz - took a great deal of research. furthermore, I simply don't have the time right now to update such a gigantic quiz considering it is not even featured. I definitely will push an update at some point but not very soon. I know the 3rd caveat mentions me updating the quiz on December 1st but even a yearly update is simply not feasible for me. I am sorry about this.
I feel like if you can you need to get more people to be able to access this quiz and that would make updating it much easier although I could be wrong.
Great quiz! I think Bo_CITY should just be Bo. One of the Rochesters is labeled Rochester without other specifics while the other one is Rochester, MN. Peoria has the same issue with Peoria, IL and Peoria. Davenport, IA is the only Davenport on the list and doesn't need to be labeled with its state. Bally, West Bengal and Raurkela, Odisha should also just be Bally and Raurkela respectively.
Very good quiz! There is a spelling mistake in Uruapan (it says "Urupuan" which is wrong) and I think you should accept also just Uruapan for Uruapan del Progreso, Texcoco for Texcoco de Mora, Naucalpan for Naucalpan de Juarez, Oaxaca for Oaxaca de Juarez as there aren't more cities named like that. I also can't type in Acapulco. Best wishes.
Unfortunately yeah, but you can still take it untimed in which you have unlimited time (this quiz isn't eligible for points so taking it untimed won't be a problem)
Special thanks to the following people for helping me make this quiz: Stewart for reducing filesize and for fixing some problems with the map, ABritishCat for helping with the data, and Stef2 for adding type-ins to Welsh cities.
Sources: citypopulation.de, Wikipedia is used if the data is unreliable/inaccurate, city proper population
This quiz will update at most every 1st of November. Please tell me if you find any mistackes.
Once again, I appreciate your amazing work on this quiz, and hope this gets featured!
It should be accepted "Reggio Calabria", with "Reggio di Calabria", and "Reggio Emilia", with "Reggio nell'Emilia".
1. Remove the comma for Breda
2. Please include Zaragoza
3. Please accept Jullundur if Bombay, Calcutta and Madras are
2. It doesn't have 100k+ people according to citypopulation.de (city proper)
3. I know it's referred that way (sometimes) but it isn't a standard type-in, nor is it common in India
One quibble: could you accept Essentuki for Yessentuki? I realize that Wikipeda shows the city name as Yessentuki; however, the link to a Russian website shows the city's name as Essentuki. It appears other websites such as Trip Advisor call the city Essentuki as well as other Jet Punk Quizzes, such as the all European Cities over 100k. Thanks for reading and for the great quiz!
Some things I noted that are worth fixing:
- Santa Rosa de Toay should accept Santa Rosa
- Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña should accept Sáenz Peña
- Masshad is misspelled, should be Mashhad
- Singapore is not in list
- Basra should be accepted
Only making you know as a constructive critic! It's understandable to have these tiny stuff to tweak with so many answers, so don't worry.
Apart from that, you could check some type-ins for some cities with multiple words.
Last but not least, you earned my nomination and 5 starts for such great job.
Zhengzhou, China (10.3m) is missing.
Roanoke, VA, US (101k) is missing.
There is a dot for Wilmington, Delaware despite it only having around 70k people. There should be a dot for Wilmington, North Carolina (120k) instead, which is missing.
Sfax is generally accepted as a type-in for Safaqis, Tunisia. (Personally though, I don't mind, thanks for making me look it up and learning something new)
Fantastic quiz though, seriously, good work.
Enterprise Nevada and Independence Missouri are near Pittsburg Kansas
Concord California is near Concord New Hampshire
Fairfield California is near Fairfield County Connecticut
Lancaster California is near Lancaster Pennsylvania
Meridian Idaho is near Meridian Mississippi
Mesquite Texas is near Mesquite Nevada
Paradise Nevada is near Chico California
Clinton Michigan is near St Joseph Missouri
Wilmington North Carolina is near Wilmington Delaware
Peoria Arizona is near Peoria Illinois which also has a dot
Rio Bravo Tamaulipas is near Ciudad Acuna
In addition it won't let me enter Acapulco or Saint Catherines and I don't know why
What about those following cities:
San Juan - Puerto Rico
Laval, Longueuil, Terrebonne, Lévis, Gatineau in Québec
They have all more than 100k inhabitants.
Best regards.
12 years old
You put Mianiyang instead of Mianyang
You put Fayoum instead of Fayyum
Missing List:
Beledweyne - Somalia
Acapulco - Mexico
Hotan - China
Roanoke - VA, USA
Bo - Sierra Leone
Gabes - Tunisia
Sfax - Tunisia
Petah Tiqwa - Israel
Peoria, IL and Peoria, AZ both use the coordinates of the Illinois one
Wilmington, NC uses the coordinates of Wilmington, DE
Puerto Rico is missing
Carmel (formally Carmel-by-the-Sea), CA only has about 3k people, not 100k.
Edit: there is also an enormous amount of missing cities in Canada, especially around Toronto and Vancouver.
Also, please accept "shertogenbosch" for s-Hertogenbosch.
Everyone in Italy simply says Reggio Calabria without the "di" and it is accepted officialy
Also "Reggio Emilia" for "Reggio nell'Emilia" for the same reason please
A few suggestions:
Accept "Raqqa" for Ar-Rakka
Correct "Yaroslavi" to "Yaroslavl"
Accept "Oaxaca" for Oaxaca de Juárez
Gaya, India's dot appears too big for it's population (470k)
Are Mississauga and Leeuwarden missing?