To start, name any of the top 200 cities by population. The redder it appears, the closer you are. When you guess the mystery city, the quiz is over - you win!
My first attempt I got the colours mixed up. I guessed L.A. and Tokyo and was very confused that the mystery city was apparently very close to both of them!
Nice concept. Replayability would make this one a feature 100%. Time is ok but could be shorter to make it somewhat challenging, or alternatively add an attempt counter (although I'm pretty sure it can't be done within Jetpunk)
Really interesting idea - hey Dan, how easy is it to load this quiz so the maximum number of points you can earn for this quiz drops by one each time? Otherwise the 5 pojnts will fall into your lap sooner or later.
This one is more difficult than the country quiz because of the circles. For example, I typed in Paris which is a big circle and then typed in all the smaller cities around Paris, which are smaller but the resolution is too small to be able to see if you are getting hotter or colder and therefore in which direction to go. Any other way to present this graph to be able to tell the difference between when we are getting hotter or colder?
Really interesting idea, but I found the colors really difficult to discern whether I was getting closer or farther away. I had multiple cities in Europe that were dark red but they looked exactly the same shade of red to me.
As a suggestion, maybe the gradient could be across a couple different colors to make it more clear? I realize that some people have colorblindness issues with certain hues, but just a thought.
Wait so the missing city isn't one of the circles? I had all the bright red ones filled in and didn't have the answer. Feel like it should be made clearer than you have to guess a city that isn't one of the circles.
I like it, but would prefer at least some shading for the oceans/seas so that I could rule out what cities I was trying to guess. A lot of big cities aren't on here (which is fine), but it's difficult to figure out which ones are or aren't without a bit more reference, IMO. (Unless you just guess the whole time)
To answer your opening question Mr Pandora, yes please! More in this series would be awesome. The dream scenario would be that the quiz randomly re-selects the winning city each time, but I see some really major technical difficulties pulling that off! (The closest to solving that might be to create a few quizzes in the series, and then when you click to start the quiz it randomly selects one of the quizzes from that series. Still requires new capabilities on Jetpunk, but probably a wee bit more achievable)
Thanks! I've experimented a little bit and it is indeed possible to make a version where the mystery city changes each time (however, it's not possible to do this for the country version). The problem is, it would take a long time to make and I'm not sure if people would even enjoy it anyways.
But seeing as the pinned comment got a good amount of likes, I'll make a sequel
A lot harder to "just change" than you think. Also, the color scheme is perfectly understandable for most that pay attention to the directions, and red is one of the less common colors for people to be colorblind to.
Took the full time limit the first two times guessing every city around the correct answer. The third time I knew which city it had to be, so I finished the quiz in 1 second.
Sorry, but it appears you have said this to go against the crowd. Do you go around on other quizzes and say you don't like it without explaining why? I mean, at least give a suggestion.
"The Ruhr" (German: "Ruhrgebiet") isn't a city. It's an Urban area consisting of several cities For example: Bochum, Essen and Duisburg are cities in the "Ruhrgebiet".
Excellent and interesting quiz, nice job.
Replayability is possible but it would take months to design. I will start working on a replayable version soon.
As a suggestion, maybe the gradient could be across a couple different colors to make it more clear? I realize that some people have colorblindness issues with certain hues, but just a thought.
btw, the quiz uses urban population. i'm sure the city data is correct
But seeing as the pinned comment got a good amount of likes, I'll make a sequel
It's the same list I used for my 500 Biggest Cities quiz
A randomized version of this quiz
U.S. version of this quiz
S.A. version of this quiz
Find the Mystery Country Using Color Clues
Sequel to the above
Randomized version of 2 above
But I enjoyed
But on the second round i guessed it
When times up, look for the bottom one on the last row and it usually is the mystery one
That's how I did it:)