Answer | % Correct |
Birch Log | 100%
Cherry Log | 100%
Dark Oak Log | 100%
Jungle Log | 100%
Mangrove Log | 100%
Oak Log | 100%
Spruce Log | 100%
Acacia Log | 88%
Blackstone | 88%
Cobblestone | 88%
Deepslate | 88%
Stone | 88%
Stripped Birch Log | 88%
Stripped Dark Oak Log | 88%
Stripped Oak Log | 88%
Stripped Spruce Log | 88%
Acacia Button | 75%
Acacia Door | 75%
Acacia Fence | 75%
Acacia Fence Gate | 75%
Acacia Planks | 75%
Acacia Pressure Plate | 75%
Acacia Slab | 75%
Acacia Stairs | 75%
Acacia Trapdoor | 75%
Acacia Wood | 75%
Birch Button | 75%
Birch Door | 75%
Birch Fence | 75%
Birch Fence Gate | 75%
Birch Planks | 75%
Birch Pressure Plate | 75%
Birch Slab | 75%
Birch Stairs | 75%
Birch Trapdoor | 75%
Birch Wood | 75%
Blackstone Slab | 75%
Blackstone Stairs | 75%
Blackstone Wall | 75%
Block of Bamboo | 75%
Block of Copper | 75%
Bricks | 75%
Cherry Button | 75%
Cherry Door | 75%
Cherry Fence | 75%
Cherry Fence Gate | 75%
Cherry Planks | 75%
Cherry Pressure Plate | 75%
Cherry Slab | 75%
Cherry Stairs | 75%
Cherry Trapdoor | 75%
Cherry Wood | 75%
Chiseled Sandstone | 75%
Chiseled Stone Bricks | 75%
Cobbled Deepslate Stairs | 75%
Cobbled Deepslate Wall | 75%
Cobblestone Slab | 75%
Cobblestone Stairs | 75%
Cobblestone Wall | 75%
Crimson Stem | 75%
Cut Sandstone | 75%
Cut Sandstone Slab | 75%
Dark Oak Button | 75%
Dark Oak Door | 75%
Dark Oak Fence | 75%
Dark Oak Fence Gate | 75%
Dark Oak Planks | 75%
Dark Oak Pressure Plate | 75%
Dark Oak Slab | 75%
Dark Oak Stairs | 75%
Dark Oak Trapdoor | 75%
Dark Oak Wood | 75%
Diorite | 75%
Gilded Blackstone | 75%
Granite | 75%
Jungle Button | 75%
Jungle Door | 75%
Jungle Fence | 75%
Jungle Fence Gate | 75%
Jungle Planks | 75%
Jungle Pressure Plate | 75%
Jungle Slab | 75%
Jungle Stairs | 75%
Jungle Trapdoor | 75%
Jungle Wood | 75%
Mangrove Button | 75%
Mangrove Door | 75%
Mangrove Fence | 75%
Mangrove Fence Gate | 75%
Mangrove Planks | 75%
Mangrove Pressure Plate | 75%
Mangrove Slab | 75%
Mangrove Stairs | 75%
Mangrove Trapdoor | 75%
Mangrove Wood | 75%
Mossy Cobblestone | 75%
Mossy Cobblestone Slab | 75%
Mossy Cobblestone Stairs | 75%
Nether Bricks | 75%
Nether Brick Slab | 75%
Nether Brick Stairs | 75%
Netherrack | 75%
Oak Button | 75%
Oak Door | 75%
Oak Fence | 75%
Oak Fence Gate | 75%
Oak Planks | 75%
Oak Pressure Plate | 75%
Oak Slab | 75%
Oak Stairs | 75%
Oak Trapdoor | 75%
Oak Wood | 75%
Red Nether Bricks | 75%
Red Nether Brick Slab | 75%
Red Nether Brick Stairs | 75%
Sandstone | 75%
Sandstone Slab | 75%
Sandstone Stairs | 75%
Sandstone Wall | 75%
Smooth Stone | 75%
Smooth Stone Slab | 75%
Spruce Button | 75%
Spruce Door | 75%
Spruce Fence | 75%
Spruce Fence Gate | 75%
Spruce Planks | 75%
Spruce Pressure Plate | 75%
Spruce Slab | 75%
Spruce Stairs | 75%
Spruce Trapdoor | 75%
Spruce Wood | 75%
Stone Bricks | 75%
Stone Brick Slab | 75%
Stone Brick Stairs | 75%
Stone Brick Wall | 75%
Stone Slab | 75%
Stone Stairs | 75%
Stripped Acacia Log | 75%
Stripped Acacia Wood | 75%
Stripped Birch Wood | 75%
Stripped Cherry Log | 75%
Stripped Cherry Wood | 75%
Stripped Dark Oak Wood | 75%
Stripped Jungle Log | 75%
Stripped Jungle Wood | 75%
Stripped Mangrove Log | 75%
Stripped Mangrove Wood | 75%
Stripped Oak Wood | 75%
Stripped Spruce Wood | 75%
Tuff | 75%
Warped Stem | 75%
Andesite | 63%
Andesite Slab | 63%
Andesite Stairs | 63%
Andesite Wall | 63%
Bamboo Button | 63%
Bamboo Door | 63%
Bamboo Fence | 63%
Bamboo Fence Gate | 63%
Bamboo Mosaic | 63%
Bamboo Mosaic Slab | 63%
Bamboo Mosaic Stairs | 63%
Bamboo Planks | 63%
Bamboo Pressure Plate | 63%
Bamboo Slab | 63%
Bamboo Stairs | 63%
Bamboo Trapdoor | 63%
Block of Coal | 63%
Block of Diamond | 63%
Block of Emerald | 63%
Block of Iron | 63%
Block of Lapis Lazuli | 63%
Block of Netherite | 63%
Block of Quartz | 63%
Block of Redstone | 63%
Block of Stripped Bamboo | 63%
Brick Slab | 63%
Brick Stairs | 63%
Brick Wall | 63%
Chiseled Nether Bricks | 63%
Chiseled Polished Blackstone | 63%
Chiseled Red Sandstone | 63%
Chiseled Tuff | 63%
Cobbled Deepslate | 63%
Cobbled Deepslate Slab | 63%
Cracked Deepslate Bricks | 63%
Cracked Deepslate Tiles | 63%
Cracked Nether Bricks | 63%
Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks | 63%
Cracked Stone Bricks | 63%
Crimson Button | 63%
Crimson Door | 63%
Crimson Fence | 63%
Crimson Fence Gate | 63%
Crimson Hyphae | 63%
Crimson Planks | 63%
Crimson Pressure Plate | 63%
Crimson Slab | 63%
Crimson Stairs | 63%
Crimson Trapdoor | 63%
Cut Copper | 63%
Cut Red Sandstone | 63%
Cut Red Sandstone Slab | 63%
Deepslate Bricks | 63%
Deepslate Brick Slab | 63%
Deepslate Brick Stairs | 63%
Deepslate Brick Wall | 63%
Deepslate Tiles | 63%
Deepslate Tile Slab | 63%
Deepslate Tile Stairs | 63%
Deepslate Tile Wall | 63%
Diorite Slab | 63%
Diorite Stairs | 63%
Diorite Wall | 63%
End Stone | 63%
End Stone Bricks | 63%
End Stone Brick Slab | 63%
End Stone Brick Stairs | 63%
End Stone Brick Wall | 63%
Granite Slab | 63%
Granite Stairs | 63%
Granite Wall | 63%
Mossy Cobblestone Wall | 63%
Mossy Stone Bricks | 63%
Mossy Stone Brick Slab | 63%
Mossy Stone Brick Stairs | 63%
Mossy Stone Brick Wall | 63%
Nether Brick Fence | 63%
Oxidized Copper | 63%
Polished Andesite | 63%
Polished Andesite Slab | 63%
Polished Andesite Stairs | 63%
Polished Blackstone | 63%
Polished Blackstone Bricks | 63%
Polished Blackstone Brick Slab | 63%
Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs | 63%
Polished Blackstone Brick Wall | 63%
Polished Blackstone Slab | 63%
Polished Blackstone Stairs | 63%
Polished Blackstone Wall | 63%
Polished Deepslate | 63%
Polished Deepslate Slab | 63%
Polished Deepslate Stairs | 63%
Polished Deepslate Wall | 63%
Polished Diorite | 63%
Polished Diorite Slab | 63%
Polished Diorite Stairs | 63%
Polished Granite | 63%
Polished Granite Slab | 63%
Polished Granite Stairs | 63%
Polished Tuff | 63%
Polished Tuff Slab | 63%
Polished Tuff Stairs | 63%
Polished Tuff Wall | 63%
Purpur Block | 63%
Purpur Pillar | 63%
Purpur Slab | 63%
Purpur Stairs | 63%
Quartz Pillar | 63%
Quartz Slab | 63%
Quartz Stairs | 63%
Red Sandstone | 63%
Red Sandstone Slab | 63%
Red Sandstone Stairs | 63%
Red Sandstone Wall | 63%
Reinforced Deepslate | 63%
Smooth Quartz Block | 63%
Smooth Quartz Slab | 63%
Smooth Quartz Stairs | 63%
Smooth Red Sandstone | 63%
Smooth Red Sandstone Slab | 63%
Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs | 63%
Smooth Sandstone | 63%
Smooth Sandstone Slab | 63%
Smooth Sandstone Stairs | 63%
Stone Button | 63%
Stone Pressure Plate | 63%
Stripped Crimson Hyphae | 63%
Stripped Crimson Stem | 63%
Stripped Warped Hyphae | 63%
Stripped Warped Stem | 63%
Tuff Bricks | 63%
Tuff Brick Slab | 63%
Tuff Brick Stairs | 63%
Tuff Brick Wall | 63%
Tuff Slab | 63%
Tuff Stairs | 63%
Tuff Wall | 63%
Warped Button | 63%
Warped Door | 63%
Warped Fence | 63%
Warped Fence Gate | 63%
Warped Hyphae | 63%
Warped Planks | 63%
Warped Pressure Plate | 63%
Warped Slab | 63%
Warped Stairs | 63%
Warped Trapdoor | 63%
Waxed Block of Copper | 63%
Waxed Cut Copper | 63%
Waxed Cut Copper Stairs | 63%
Basalt | 50%
Block of Gold | 50%
Chiseled Copper | 50%
Chiseled Deepslate | 50%
Chiseled Quartz Block | 50%
Copper Bulb | 50%
Copper Door | 50%
Copper Grate | 50%
Copper Trapdoor | 50%
Cut Copper Slab | 50%
Cut Copper Stairs | 50%
Dark Prismarine | 50%
Dark Prismarine Slab | 50%
Dark Prismarine Stairs | 50%
Exposed Chiseled Copper | 50%
Exposed Copper | 50%
Exposed Copper Bulb | 50%
Exposed Copper Door | 50%
Exposed Copper Grate | 50%
Exposed Copper Trapdoor | 50%
Exposed Cut Copper | 50%
Exposed Cut Copper Slab | 50%
Exposed Cut Copper Stairs | 50%
Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate | 50%
Iron Bars | 50%
Iron Door | 50%
Iron Trapdoor | 50%
Light Weighted Pressure Plate | 50%
Nether Brick Wall | 50%
Oxidized Chiseled Copper | 50%
Oxidized Copper Bulb | 50%
Oxidized Copper Door | 50%
Oxidized Copper Grate | 50%
Oxidized Copper Trapdoor | 50%
Oxidized Cut Copper | 50%
Oxidized Cut Copper Slab | 50%
Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs | 50%
Packed Mud | 50%
Polished Blackstone Button | 50%
Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate | 50%
Prismarine | 50%
Prismarine Bricks | 50%
Prismarine Brick Slab | 50%
Prismarine Brick Stairs | 50%
Prismarine Slab | 50%
Prismarine Stairs | 50%
Prismarine Wall | 50%
Quartz Bricks | 50%
Sea Lantern | 50%
Smooth Basalt | 50%
Waxed Chiseled Copper | 50%
Waxed Copper Bulb | 50%
Waxed Copper Door | 50%
Waxed Copper Grate | 50%
Waxed Copper Trapdoor | 50%
Waxed Cut Copper Slab | 50%
Waxed Exposed Chiseled Copper | 50%
Waxed Exposed Copper | 50%
Waxed Exposed Copper Bulb | 50%
Waxed Exposed Copper Door | 50%
Waxed Exposed Copper Grate | 50%
Waxed Exposed Copper Trapdoor | 50%
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper | 50%
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Slab | 50%
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Stairs | 50%
Waxed Oxidized Chiseled Copper | 50%
Waxed Oxidized Copper | 50%
Waxed Oxidized Copper Bulb | 50%
Waxed Oxidized Copper Door | 50%
Waxed Oxidized Copper Grate | 50%
Waxed Oxidized Copper Trapdoor | 50%
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper | 50%
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Slab | 50%
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs | 50%
Waxed Weathered Chiseled Copper | 50%
Waxed Weathered Copper | 50%
Waxed Weathered Copper Bulb | 50%
Waxed Weathered Copper Door | 50%
Waxed Weathered Copper Grate | 50%
Waxed Weathered Copper Trapdoor | 50%
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper | 50%
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Slab | 50%
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Stairs | 50%
Weathered Chiseled Copper | 50%
Weathered Copper | 50%
Weathered Copper Bulb | 50%
Weathered Copper Door | 50%
Weathered Copper Grate | 50%
Weathered Copper Trapdoor | 50%
Weathered Cut Copper | 50%
Weathered Cut Copper Slab | 50%
Weathered Cut Copper Stairs | 50%
Block of Amethyst | 38%
Chain | 38%
Chiseled Tuff Bricks | 38%
Mud Bricks | 38%
Mud Brick Slab | 38%
Mud Brick Stairs | 38%
Mud Brick Wall | 38%
Polished Basalt | 38%
Red Nether Brick Wall | 38%
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