blew up
fell from a high place
fell out of the world
ran out of lives
tried to swim in lava
was blown up by Skizzleman
was doomed to fall by Ender Dragon
was doomed to fall by GoodTimeWithScar
was impaled by Drowned
was shot by a skull from 1 Stick Wither
was shot by GoodTimeWithScar
was shot by PearlescentMoon
was shot by Skeleton
was shot by Smallishbeans
was slain by BdoubleO100
was slain by Enderman
was slain by GeminiTay using [GeminiSlay]
was slain by GoodTimeWithScar
was slain by InTheLittleWood
was slain by Piglin Brute
was slain by Smallishbeans
was slain by SolidarityGaming
was slain by Wolf
was slain by Zombie
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