January 1
New Year's Day
January 6
Epiphany (the Magi ("Three Kings") visiting Jesus; also baptism of adult Jesus)
January (3rd Monday)
Birthday of Martin Luther King jr. (USA, born January 15, 1929; federal holiday)
January 26
Australia Day (arrival of the British in 1788)
January 27
International Holocaust Remembrance Day (liberation of Auschwitz in 1945)
Chinese New Year (called Spring Festival)
February 14
Valentine's Day (not a public holiday)
Clean Monday (start of Great Lent, fasting before Easter, in Eastern Christianity)
March 8
International Women's Day (first celebrated in 1914)
March 17
Saint Patrick's Day
March 19
Saint Joseph's Day (husband of Mary)
March 19, 20 or 21
Nowruz (Iranian New Year, the vernal equinox)
March-April (Nisan 15-21)
Pesach (Passover, for the Jewish exodus from Egypt)
Thursday March-May
Maundy Thursday (Last Supper of Christ)
Friday March-May
Good Friday (Christ's crucifixion)
Sunday March-May
Easter Sunday (Christ's resurrection)
Monday March-May
Easter Monday
April 22
Earth Day (since 1970, but not a public holiday)
April 30
Reunification Day (Vietnam's reunification in 1975)
April-May (Nisan 27)
Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) in Israel
April 24
Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day (start of the genocide in 1915)
April-June (Vaisakha full moon)
Vesak (the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha)
May 1
International Workers' Day (Labour Day)
May 8
Victory in Europe Day (the end of WWII in Europe)
May 9
Victory Day (end of WWII in Europe, date in former Communist Bloc countries)
May 17
Norway's national day (passing the Constitution in 1814)
May (last Monday)
Memorial Day (USA, for American military dead; federal holiday)
Thursday April-June
Ascension Day (ascension of Christ into Heaven)
May-June (Sivan 6)
Shavuot (festival of weeks for wheat harvest, and God's giving of the Torah)
Sunday May-June
Whit Sunday (Pentecost, descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles)
Monday May-June
Whit Monday / Pentecost Monday
Thursday May-June
Corpus Christi (feast of the body of Christ)
June 3
Death of Khomeini (Iranian leader Ruhollah Khomeini's death in 1989)