A/D | Clue | Answer | % Correct |
4. Across | Holy book (5) | Bible | 100%
25. Across | What you sleep on (3) | Bed | 97%
14. Across | Unable to see (5) | Blind | 97%
16. Down | Not good (3) | Bad | 96%
26. Down | Honey producing insect (3) | Bee | 96%
3. Down | Public transport vehicle (3) | Bus | 96%
9. Across | Heat liquid until it bubbles (4) | Boil | 94%
13. Across | Container, often cardboard (3) | Box | 94%
18. Across | Young child (4) | Baby | 93%
8. Down | Attracted to men and women (8) | Bisexual | 93%
20. Down | Farewell (3) | Bye | 93%
11. Across | Container, often for shopping (3) | Bag | 89%
28. Across | Financial institutions (5) | Banks | 87%
21. Across | Large bundle of hay (4) | Bale | 81%
5. Down | Slang term for alcohol (5) | Booze | 81%
1. Down | Illegal payment for influence (5) | Bribe | 81%
2. Down | Hollow metal ringing object (4) | Bell | 77%
15. Across | Fixtures that produce light (5) | Bulbs | 77%
7. Down | Himalayan country (6) | Bhutan | 76%
17. Down | Accept as true or real (7) | Believe | 75%
22. Down | Human figures or anatomies (6) | Bodies | 74%
25. Down | Edible seed or legume (4) | Bean | 72%
18. Down | Equilibrium or stability (7) | Balance | 71%
6. Down | Structures to cross obstacles (7) | Bridges | 70%
23. Across | Small, juicy fruits (7) | Berries | 67%
10. Down | British police officer (informal) (5) | Bobby | 64%
26. Across | Relating to cattle (6) | Bovine | 64%
12. Down | Covers something with soil or earth (6) | Buries | 63%
24. Across | Bottom part of something (4) | Base | 59%
8. Across | Lacking respect for God (11) | Blasphemous | 58%
27. Across | Vocalist creating drum machine sounds (9) | Beatboxer | 57%
20. Across | Small blue singing thrush (8) | Bluebird | 56%
23. Down | Game of chance with numbers (5) | Bingo | 52%
10. Across | Easily breakable (7) | Brittle | 52%
19. Down | Advantage (7) | Benefit | 45%
1. Across | Thick Madagascan trees (7) | Baobabs | 37%
Mystery Word | Broadband | 35%
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