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Paul's height is six feet. He is an assistant in a butcher's shop and wears size nine shoes. What does he weigh?
He is a butcher, so he weighs the meat on the scales.
Inside the green house is a white house. Inside the white house is a red house. Inside the red house there are lots of babies. What is it?
It is the green outside, then white inner outside, then the red flesh, then the "babies" are seeds.
What kind of room has no doors or windows?
It is a mushROOM
Which word in the dictionary is spelled wrong?
The word wrong is spelled as 'WRONG'
How many of each species did Moses take on the ark with him?
0. It was Noah, not Moses.
Imagine you are in a dark room. How do you get out?
You are imagining
What is at the end of a rainbow?
The letter W is at the end of rainboW
The more you take, the more you leave behind. What is it?
As you step (footsteps), footsteps get left
David's father has three sons: Snap, Crackle and _____?
It is the father of ''David'' . Sorry if you put Pop
What is black when you buy it, red when you use it and grey when you throw it away?
I am as light as a feather, yet no man can hold me for long. What am I?
(Could also be fire)
Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the tallest mountain in the world?
Everest was still in the world
What goes up but never comes down?
You cannot get younger (decrease your age)
I have lots of holes, but I can still hold some water. What am I?
Sponge has lots of holes in it
What question can you never answer yes to?
You cannot say that because you are asleep