Evil aliens have decided to kill everyone on Earth! Fortunately, they've given you two minutes to save as many as you can. All you have to do is name a country to save everyone in it.
Each "answer" correct corresponds to 1 million people saved
Countries with fewer than 1 million people are rounded up
2020 population estimates according to Worldometers
This should be longer especially as the graphics for the bigger countries takes a while to download so you are left hanging which wastes time. I suggest 5 or 6 minutes esp as you have another quiz on here that is to name 3 countries beginning with J in 2 minutes.
Managed to save Sierra Leone and Bahrain but forgot South Korea and Chile... Great quiz though, saved 6856/7811 or 88% of the world and I beat 97.7% of test takers! I can't say I'm too unhappy with that
GeoPhilia in your quiz "Ocal ludzkość, zgadując kraje" in polish JetPunk, there was a request from one of the users and could you solve this problem? This user named is 19rico20 and wrote so:
Super quiz, mam pytanie czy można jakoś zrobić żeby przeglądając statystki, móc posortować to pod względem populacji, ale od największej do najmniejszej lub na odwrót bo mimo że naciskam żeby posortować to i tak jest rozsypane to byle jak?
After spending like an hour, I finally got 7613/7811 and that beats 100% of test takers. Since I neither am a native english speaker nor live in english-speaking country, I think I did very well :)
Looking at two that were listed one after the other in the results... 2.5 million Namibians were saved by 10% of people. 100 old priests in the Vatican? Saved by 11% of people, including me. I'm glad to see others found the idea as funny as I did.
Do not forget to tell how many people you saved!
You scored 4534/7811 = 58%
This beats or equals 16.2% of test takers
The average score is 5341
Your high score is 4534
I'm happy to have saved 82%, though I feel bad for leaving the people of Bangladesh, Turkey, South Korea behind.
(saved Gabon and Eritrea somehow though)
And is it okay if I make a similar quiz? If not, it's fine. It doesn't relate to population :D
And if you want to, yes you can make the quiz :)
If you want to work with me let me know :P
I'll make sure to credit you aswell!
72% This beats or equals 49.9% of test takers
Start: Uganda, Guinea, Rwanda.
Current best (new laptop): 7570.
btw if your from Cambodia then you were 1 second away from r.i.p so thank me
Super quiz, mam pytanie czy można jakoś zrobić żeby przeglądając statystki, móc posortować to pod względem populacji, ale od największej do najmniejszej lub na odwrót bo mimo że naciskam żeby posortować to i tak jest rozsypane to byle jak?
Just kidding ;)
Simple as
65% of the earth saved!