At 0.49 km^2, Vatican City would only need to have 1 km of roads to make this list. Unless Google Maps is giving me driving directions that aren't confined to roads, Vatican City definitely has that.
Hmm, the Wikipedia page Quizmaster used didn’t have Vatican City. I don’t know, doesn’t list it either. Maybe it just doesn’t have roads.
Americans, Liberians, and Burmese*, that translates to 0.7 mi by 0.5. mi in the "Imperial" system, which France invented and doesn't use it because it's freaking** impossible to convert the different units!
*I cannot confirm if that is the correct demonym. I apologize if it is wrong.
**I also apologize if that word offends anybody. You are free to block or report me if it does. I did not mean to swear.
That was a surprise to me, as well. Though Thailand is probably the one country that I have spent the most amount of time in that I *have not* done much traveling around by road. Pretty much only the highway between Bangkok and Chon Buri. But... I always imagined some of the places in the jungles, mountains, and arid plains of Isaan to be fairly undeveloped. I guess that assumption was incorrect.
Now that we have a quiz of countries with the densest roads, we need a companion quiz that covers countries with the densest drivers. I could certainly name a few.
Belgium having a denser road network than Singapore is absolutely crazy when thinking about it.
It might be one of the most urbanized countries in the world, but there is places in Ardennes where there is not a lot of roads, it just makes one wonder what is the density in Flanders, Brussels and Hainaut to be able to make the country overall beat a city-state.
In the Netherlands we always joke that as a passenger in a car you can close your eyes and feel when you cross the border with Belgium. I wonder why I call it a joke to be honest, because it is true...
It depends, because road management is under regional authority. So roads in Flanders tend to be in very good condition since they have more money to spend on them, than the ones in Wallonia.
I remember an exception though: the highway between Antwerp and the Dutch border towards Eindhoven. It's absolutely terrible between Turnhout and the border, even worse than a lot of Walloon ones.
I think also Singapore has made an effort to keep some green areas. To my knowledge, Belgium has never had any planning regulations of that kind worth mentioning. It always strikes me that Belgium isn't very urbanised, it's just one endless low-density suburbia except in the province of Luxembourg.
I had a comment on this once, yes. In Hainaut where I live, there are roads just everywhere, even in the country. It still is strange that Singapore is not ahaid, since it's an almost fully urbanized country.
Anyway, maybe I'm getting the definition of "road" wrong
*I cannot confirm if that is the correct demonym. I apologize if it is wrong.
**I also apologize if that word offends anybody. You are free to block or report me if it does. I did not mean to swear.
It might be one of the most urbanized countries in the world, but there is places in Ardennes where there is not a lot of roads, it just makes one wonder what is the density in Flanders, Brussels and Hainaut to be able to make the country overall beat a city-state.
I remember an exception though: the highway between Antwerp and the Dutch border towards Eindhoven. It's absolutely terrible between Turnhout and the border, even worse than a lot of Walloon ones.