Suggested Quizzes

Biggest Lakes in the World0-4.6081,474
Countries with the Longest Coastlines0-4.80383,743
Cities on a Map of the Great Lakes0-4.4239,920
Natural Features of Countries #10-4.8476,004
Landforms Quiz0-4.3173,398
Biggest City by River0-4.3650,353
Geological Extremes Quiz0-4.2838,300
U.S. Cities with Landforms in The Name0-4.2569,671
Countries That Touch the Baltic Sea0-4.9899,232
Landforms by Description Quiz0-4.3625,501
Landforms by Country Quiz0-4.5051,080
Countries With No Rivers0-4.9567,381
Rivers by City Quiz0-4.3521,650
Famous Rivers0-4.6996,672
Famous Lakes Quiz0-4.4822,566
Lakes in the United States Quiz0-4.2213,413
Movies with Landforms in the Name0-4.1647,601
Countries with the Shortest Coastlines0-4.8453,630
Rivers on Borders0-4.0521,710
Answers Contain Sea0-3.8526,532
City to River #10-4.4824,557
African Great Lakes0-4.8049,218
World's Longest Rivers0-4.88105,922
Natural Features of Countries #20-4.5734,164
Countries with the Most Sheep0-4.8880,943
Megadiverse Countries0-4.94122,889
Rivers A-Z0-4.3031,001
City to River #2 - Difficult0-4.5013,913
U.S. States Bordering the Great Lakes0-4.5716,766
Black Sea Countries0-4.8556,143
Countries that Catch the Most Fish0-4.8898,110
Geologic Time Scale0-4.398,789
Countries Closest to the Aegean Sea0-4.5255,028
Seas of Europe0-4.2977,400
Countries with Wild Tigers0-4.96108,173
Countries with Wild Penguins0-4.8988,087
Most Populous River Basins0-4.5336,974
Countries by First Two Letters in 90 Seconds0-4.944,868,622
European Physical Geography0-4.1731,430
African Physical Geography0-4.5229,530
Asian Physical Geography0-4.5133,077
South American Physical Geography0-4.5516,966
Oceania Physical Geography0-4.2611,737
Caspian Sea Countries0-4.9157,403
North Sea Countries0-4.9078,007
Top 10 U.S. States with the Longest Coastline0-4.4147,811
Five Countries with the Longest Coastline by Continent0-4.98102,136
10 Longest Rivers in the United States0-4.8534,008
World Capitals by Map0-5.00229,365
Countries That Touch the Adriatic Sea0-4.9764,546
Countries That Touch the Red Sea0-4.8659,847
Great Lakes Quiz0-4.7544,908
Seas that Touch the Most Countries0-4.6387,233
South China Sea Countries0-4.8452,688
Countries by Borders in 90 Seconds0-4.993,251,607
Top 10 Asian Countries by Coastline0-4.9087,177
Top 10 American Countries by Coastline0-4.9371,059
Top 10 European Countries by Coastline0-4.80124,920
Top 10 African Countries by Coastline0-4.2245,565
Largest Rivers by Discharge0-4.5114,708
Major U.S. Rivers with State Names0-4.5035,525
Countries of the World with an Empty Map0-5.002,953,807
Cities Beginning With B on a Map0-4.9087,479
Countries of Europe with an Empty Map0-5.00276,524
Countries of Asia with an Empty Map0-4.99203,370
Countries of Africa with an Empty Map0-5.00215,801
Countries of South America with an Empty Map0-4.9578,230
Countries of North America with an Empty Map0-4.9981,871
Longest Rivers in the UK0-4.3712,880
All Countries by Northernmost Point on Land0-4.91101,297
Layers of the Earth and Atmosphere0-4.9739,601
US States with an Empty Map0-5.00532,281
Countries by Borders in 90 Seconds with an Empty Map0-4.88248,734
Mediterranean Countries with an Empty Map0-4.9981,997
Megacities on a World Map0-4.98214,841
States and Provinces that Touch the Great Lakes0-4.5427,833
15 Largest Cities in Europe With a Map0-4.98192,845
15 Largest Cities in Asia With a Map0-4.97105,368
15 Largest Cities in Africa With a Map0-4.9469,269
15 Largest Cities in the Middle East With a Map0-4.8681,077
15 Largest Cities in South America With a Map0-4.9588,313
World Geography on a Map #10-4.9465,384
Countries of Europe After World War II0-4.98164,262
Countries of Europe Before World War I0-4.99132,963
Five Most Populated Countries on a Multicolored World Map0-4.9762,218
World's Longest Rivers on a Map0-4.8774,860
Seas on the World Map0-4.98117,822
Gulfs and Bays on the World Map0-4.5226,150
Global Cities on a World Map0-4.9388,593
100 Biggest Cities on a World Map0-4.99357,817
50 Busiest Air Routes from London0-4.8882,660
All 1M Cities by Proximity0-5.00496,060
Megacities on an Empty Map0-4.9684,849
Countries of the World with a Borderless Map0-4.9966,035
Rivers that Flow through the Most Countries0-4.5136,715
Countries of the World with an Empty Map - Hard Version0-5.00264,898
Bay of Bengal Countries With an Empty Map0-4.6869,332
Top World Languages on a Map0-4.9190,062
All 3M Cities on the World Map0-4.9460,908
Bodies of Water around the Arabian Peninsula0-4.6333,153
Countries Farthest From the Sea0-4.9854,955
Capital Cities by Body of Water0-4.8652,134
African East Coast0-4.9780,884
African Great Lake Countries with an Empty Map0-4.9855,409
Rivers of Europe Quiz0-4.8745,869
Countries in Southeast Asia With an Empty Map0-4.9789,415
Rivers of The United States Quiz0-4.9247,533
Mekong River Countries Empty Map Quiz0-4.8747,126
Mississippi River States Empty Map Quiz0-4.8649,264
Bodies of Water by Cities0-4.8026,181
Countries with the Most Wolves0-4.8976,402
Bodies of Water by Satellite Image #10-4.1660,218
Bodies of Water by Satellite Image #20-4.2817,825
Countries with Fjords0-4.9376,055
Geography by Letter on the World Map - A-Z0-4.9164,642
Countries with the Most Venomous Animal Species0-4.8976,600
100 Biggest Cities in Europe with a Map0-4.97293,537
250 Biggest Cities in Europe With a Map0-4.9092,844
Official Languages of the World on the Disappearing World Map0-4.9993,624
Draw All Country Borders and Borderless Countries0-4.99131,792
Indian Ocean General Knowledge0-4.4520,773
Atlantic Ocean General Knowledge0-4.5119,637
Top Asian Languages on a Map0-4.9458,065
Seas of the World0-5.00119,413
Countries of Europe in 1815 With a Map0-4.99129,175
Countries in a Ring of the World Map0-4.99138,494
Countries in an Empty Ring of the World Map0-4.94109,826
Countries in a Blue JetPunk Fish of the World Map0-4.9462,474
Countries in Random Squares of the World Map0-4.99285,245
All 3,143 Counties of the United States on a Map0-4.94257,644
Countries in a Strip of the World Map0-4.9961,905
Countries of the World in 19000-4.8761,539
All Counties of the United States by Proximity0-4.97252,145
Capitals by River0-4.6032,366
Every 1,000,000+ City on a Map0-4.9976,074
Countries Connected in the World Map #10-4.9762,952
100 Longest Rivers in Europe - with a Map0-4.9053,651
Countries Connected in the World Map #20-4.9665,816
Countries Connected in the World Map #30-4.9762,242
Pixelated Europe Map0-4.87105,159
Countries of the World in 1914 with a Map0-4.99163,564
Pixelated Africa Map0-4.9884,928
UK Rivers Map Quiz0-4.5827,146
100 Biggest Cities in Germany on a Map0-4.8770,795
Random Countries on the World Map0-5.001,265,183
Counties of the UK and Ireland0-4.9596,942
100 Biggest Cities and Towns in the UK0-4.9685,554
Tectonic Plates Map Quiz0-4.9853,337
Tectonic Plates on a Map0-4.9829,750
All First-Level Subdivisions of Europe on a Map0-4.98107,270
Countries of Europe in 14440-4.9383,380
Random Sequential U.S. States on a Map0-5.00208,974
Countries in an Egg of the World Map0-4.9553,904
Modern-Day Countries of the Roman Empire on a Map0-4.99107,080
Countries of the World in Alphabetical Order0-5.0075,744
Countries of the World in 1945 with a Map0-5.00121,391
Pixelated Asia Map0-4.8960,460
Pixelated World Map0-5.00123,220
Countries of the Mongol Empire on a Map0-4.9989,796
Modern Day Countries of Austria-Hungary on a Map0-4.9884,853
Pixelated United States Map0-4.9078,594
Modern-Day Countries of the British Empire in 19210-4.9995,279
Largest Lakes in the United States on a Map0-4.8620,874
Every U.S. Metro Area on a Map0-4.9559,732
Random Sequential European Countries on a Map0-4.99196,222
Random U.S. States on a Map0-4.93434,630
Random European Countries on a Map0-4.98250,042
European Map without 10 Random Countries0-4.96236,875
Random Asian Countries on a Map0-4.95145,811
Random African Countries on a Map0-4.99237,550
Random American Countries on a Map0-4.9682,497
20 Random Countries on an Empty World Map0-4.9892,409
Random World Capitals on a Map0-4.93108,851
World Map Without 20 Random Countries0-4.976,681,814
Random European Capitals on a Map0-4.97102,831
Name a Valid Country Bordering Each Sea0-4.8673,501
Countries Bordering the Four Color Seas0-4.8617,216
Random U.S. State Capitals on a Map0-4.9378,635
Countries in Squares of the World Map0-5.00138,781
Countries in Squares of an Empty World Map0-4.99106,942
Empty World Map without 20 Random Countries0-4.9092,341
World Map with 10 Random Extra Borders0-4.96308,375
Random Sequential African Countries on a Map0-5.00111,839
Random Sequential Asian Countries on a Map0-4.99103,903
Random Sequential Countries on the World Map0-5.00437,444
Capital Cities in Squares of an Empty World Map0-4.9976,972
Capitals in Random Squares of the World Map0-4.9164,106
Recognized, Non-Recognized Countries, and Territories of the World0-5.00103,870
American Countries With No Atlantic Coastline0-4.9271,144
Random Sequential Countries on the World Map - Hard Version0-5.0058,282
Modern-Day Countries of the Ottoman Empire on a Map0-4.9568,496
US States and State Capitals Quiz0-4.99106,485
World Map with Random Merged Countries0-4.991,396,652
Countries in Random Rings of the World Map0-4.9969,799
Random Countries Hidden in the World Map0-4.8385,512
U.S. Map with Random Merged States0-4.95262,255
Random Countries on the Borderless World Map0-4.99150,906
Europe Map with Random Merged Countries0-4.95252,525
Name a Valid Country for Each River0-4.9231,320
Modern-Day Countries of the Persian Empire on a Map0-4.9858,033