Fun fact: the letter "W" acts as a vowel when it is part of a diphthong. If you've ever wondered why it's "double U", well it makes a "U" sound in a diphthong. Like in "New"! Of course, this has led to much debate as to whether "W" can sometimes be a vowel! I think the quiz leaving "New Zealand" with just four vowels is probably the right choice, though.
The only problem with this is that it's impossible to see which countries have been missed. Many are too small to show up even when zoomed. And as some get filled in automatically when you type one with the same vowels.
what a completely weirdass quiz - I LOVE IT!!! (would dispute several of the y's appearing as vowels though: IMO, Norway, no; Guyana, marginal; Germany, yes. What's the criterion: if an 'i' could seamlessly replace it, yes? [in which case, I withdraw])
i a a eiu ui. oo e oy oe y u i i oo e i 13 iue yi o i o o e ee aoe. I oe i o ie a. ay you ou o oe i oy ooa i you ae aeay :)
(This was a genius quiz. Took me only one try but it still took me like 13 minutes trying to think of only the letters allowed. I voted it for five stars. Maybe you could do one with only consonants if you havent already :)
In English, the letters in words are considered vowels when they contribute to a vowel sound. In Kenya, the "Y" is not a vowel, but a consonant. Here is the phonetic spelling:
/ˈkenjə/. It makes a "yuh" sound. Egypt, on the other hand, is pronounced /ˈiːdʒɪpt/. The "Y" is making an "ih" sound, like the "i" does in "dip". That makes that "Y" a vowel. The quiz is correct.
Would it make a lot of difference if the country was (written as) Kenia? (I have a feeling that then the first e would tend to be given a longer sound, but supposed the first e would remain as it is, a short e). In many languages it is written with an i.(in some occasions followed with an j or y but that is just the transition of the i sound to the a sound)
Nooooooo I finished, and was looking at the map to see what I was missing, and noticed I was missing Singapore, starting writing, and my time ran out :'(
This was fun. Once I got around halfway through, I was able to state saying country names slowly so I could type the vowels as I reached them in my thoughts. I narrowed down what I had to type by spamming different vowel combos that would take care of anything repetitive (aka: a, aa, aaa, e, ee, eee, etc). Gave me time to go through thoroughly.
Was a lot of fun! I went all over the map though unlike normally in a somewhat orderly fashion (I do jump to places sometimes, like halfway through Europe I might move to Africa and also get the weird b's out of the way all at once etc).
Had trouble with UAE I think I did quite a few varieties haha. Well maybe not so many but not paying attention too much so thinking I just didn't type what I intended the first few times. At the end when I did it a bit more consciously I tried uieeiaeoaaia (United Emirates of Arabia) and uieaaieiae (United Arabic Emirates) before finally landing on the right one. I had hardly ever (maybe never?) seen the English name in full. (and the English pronunciation of A sounds like E in Dutch and E sounds like i)
More fun than I expected, at first I was like ah consonants... ow wait ... vowels...
Because "St Kitts" is accepted as a type-in, there is only one vowel needed, an "i", which most people will type. You don't need the full spelling of "ai i a ei"
micronesia should be eeae ae o ioeia not eeae ae oioeia
St Kitts -> I
(North Macedonia) FYROM -> O
[my brain hurts now]
So (North) Macedonia -> "(o) aeoia" should be the only two type-ins for it.
(This was a genius quiz. Took me only one try but it still took me like 13 minutes trying to think of only the letters allowed. I voted it for five stars. Maybe you could do one with only consonants if you havent already :)
Y is not a vowel but at least be consistent :)
/ˈkenjə/. It makes a "yuh" sound. Egypt, on the other hand, is pronounced /ˈiːdʒɪpt/. The "Y" is making an "ih" sound, like the "i" does in "dip". That makes that "Y" a vowel. The quiz is correct.
Not stating anything, actually asking.
Me: What?
My friend: The big country in Africa!
Me: Ohhh, you must mean Eoai Eui O E Oo
My friend: Are you okay?
Me: It's actually called Ea Aia Eui.
My friend: No, it's Central African Republic.
My brain: what is he talking about?
My friend:Just look at a map.
(i had four seconds left, thank you for torturing me)
I am french
Good quiz
Jetp-JetPunkEdit: Oh yeah and in One Syllable Country quiz
Had trouble with UAE I think I did quite a few varieties haha. Well maybe not so many but not paying attention too much so thinking I just didn't type what I intended the first few times. At the end when I did it a bit more consciously I tried uieeiaeoaaia (United Emirates of Arabia) and uieaaieiae (United Arabic Emirates) before finally landing on the right one. I had hardly ever (maybe never?) seen the English name in full. (and the English pronunciation of A sounds like E in Dutch and E sounds like i)
More fun than I expected, at first I was like ah consonants... ow wait ... vowels...