Group | Description | Creature | % Correct |
Scottish | A long-necked aquatic creature said to dwell in a particular loch. | Loch Ness Monster | 66%
English | Small creatures that cause malfunctions in machinery. | Gremlin | 53%
Scottish | A shape-shifting spirit that can take on a horselike or a human appearance. | Kelpie | 47%
Scottish | Beings that can change from a seal to a human by shedding their skin. | Selkie | 47%
English | Type of animal that the Beast of Bodmin Moor and the Beast of Exmoor are said to look like. | Big cat | 44%
English | An entity that appears in the form of a large dark canine, typically with glowing eyes. Often regarded as a portent of death. | Black dog | 38%
English | Small beings which inhabit sites such as stone circles and dolmen. They are generally benign and are fond of dancing. | Pixie | 38%
Scottish | Small household spirits which perform various chores and farming tasks while the owners of the house are asleep. | Brownie | 34%
Scottish | A type of malevolent goblin which lives in ruined castles along the Anglo-Scottish border and is known for soaking its hat in blood. | Redcap | 13%
Scottish | Another creature from the Orkney Islands, this one is sea creature that appears as a horse-human hybrid when on land. It has no skin and the horse's mouth produces toxic vapour. | Nuckelavee | 9%
Scottish | A female omen of death, seen cleaning blood off of clothes. | Bean-nighe | 6%
English | A blue-faced hag with iron claws, said to haved lived in a cave in Dane Hills, Leicestershire. She would feed on lambs and children. | Black Annis | 6%
English | Creatures that dwell underwater, which grab and drown children that get too close. The name of the creature is thought to be connected to Grendel. | Grindylow | 6%
English | A spirit of the hearth that looks like a small hairy man. They help out around the home but also play practical jokes. | Hobgoblin | 6%
English | Small, large-headed and long-armed creature that commits random mischief in mines. | Knocker | 6%
English | A giant worm (dragon), told of in a legend set around the River Wear in North East England. | {Lambton} Worm | 6%
Scottish | A humanoid wolf creature from the folklore of the Shetland Islands. | Wulver | 6%
English | A fairy or ghost that inhabits mines and appears as a small blue flame. | Bluecap | 3%
Scottish | A fairy creature which resembles a large black cat with a white spot on its chest, said to inhabit the Scottish Highlands. | Cat Sìth | 3%
Scottish | An aquatic race from the folklore of the Orkney Islands who kidnap people near the shore. | {Fin}folk | 3%
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