Question | Answer | % Correct |
Some Olmec sculptures depict were-jaguars. | True | 79%
Which pharaoh was said to have united Upper and Lower Egypt? | Menes | 71%
Sumerian was a Semitic language. | False | 63%
Which empire conquered Sumer? | Akkadian Empire | 58%
Early civilisations in China include those around the Yellow River, Yangtze and which other river? | Liao River | 54%
Which of these is the oldest pyramid in Egypt? | Pyramid of Djoser | 50%
What did the Caral Civilisation lack? | Ceramics | 46%
Which of these sites was an Olmec city? | La Venta | 46%
Which of these is not usually considered to be the location of one of the cradles of civilisation? | Anatolia | 42%
Which of these Indus Valley sites is the largest? | Mohenjo-daro | 42%
What is significant about the Indus Valley Civilisation city Lothal? | It contained one of the earliest known docks | 33%
What would a jue be used for in ancient China? | Serving warm wine | 25%
Where does the name of the oldest-known civilisation in the Americas, the Caral Civilisation, come from? | A city | 21%
The Egyptian city known as Shedet was the most significant centre of the cult of which god? | Sobek | 13%
Which of these Mesopotamian cities was founded first? | Eridu | 4%
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