
Provinces of Japan Map Quiz

A map quiz about the provinces of Japan that existed from the Kamakura period until 1868.
Traced from this image:
Two of the provinces are spelt the same in Latin script, so alternative names are provided in brackets.
Japanese names are included in square brackets (taken from each province's Wikipedia page).
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Quiz by MaxStickies
Last updated: June 28, 2021
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First submittedJune 28, 2021
Times taken236
Average score25.0%
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Aki [安藝國/安芸国]
Awa (Ashū) [阿波国]
Awa (Bōshū) [安房国]
Awaji [淡路国]
Bingo [備後国]
Bitchū [備中国]
Bizen [備前国]
Bungo [豊後国]
Buzen [豊前国]
Chikugo [筑後国]
Chikuzen [筑前国]
Dewa [出羽国]
Echigo [越後国]
Echizen [越前国]
Etchū [越中国]
Harima [播磨国]
Hida [飛騨国]
Higo [肥後国]
Hitachi [常陸国]
Hizen [肥前国]
Hōki [伯耆国]
Hyūga [日向国]
Iga [伊賀国]
Iki [壱岐国]
Inaba [因幡国]
Ise [伊勢国]
Iwami [石見国]
Iyo [伊予国]
Izu [伊豆国]
Izumi [和泉国]
Izumo [出雲国]
Kaga [加賀国]
Kai [甲斐国]
Kawachi [河内国]
Kazusa [上総国]
Kii [紀伊国]
Kōzuke [上野国]
Mikawa [三河国]
Mimasaka [美作国]
Mino [美濃国]
Musashi [武蔵国]
Mutsu [陸奥国]
Nagato [長門国]
Noto [能登国]
Oki [隠岐国]
Ōmi [近江国]
Ōsumi [大隅国]
Owari [尾張国]
Sado [佐渡国]
Sagami [相模国]
Sanuki [讃岐国]
Satsuma [薩摩国]
Settsu [摂津国]
Shima [志摩国]
Shimōsa [下総の国]
Shimotsuke [下野国]
Shinano [信濃国]
Suō [周防国]
Suruga [駿河国]
Tajima [但馬国]
Tanba [丹波国]
Tango [丹後国]
Tosa [土佐国]
Tōtōmi [遠江国]
Tsushima [対馬国]
Wakasa [若狭国]
Yamashiro [山城国]
Yamato [大和国]
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