Hi there friends. It is I, the glorious mighty master that is pidgeondog. My friend raaaadish let me steal his account for this questionnaire. Subscribe to him please. Oh and only one of these questions is right because I can only put a checkmark under one answer sorry :/
go take her quiz https://www.jetpunk.com/user-quizzes/1278288/dog-facts-quiz
because she lost her password and she cant make no more quizzes :(
This is dedicated to Pigeondog's Dog facts Quiz and Pigeondog
Keep scrolling down for answers and more stats ...
1.LEt'SUS sTaRt wiTH aN EASy ONE. Who am I?
The glorious mighty master that is pidgendog
an expo marker
The pigeon that stole the hotdog cart at your local park
2.NuMbEr TwO. How are you doing today?
How much are you willing to pay if I tell you?
My phychiatrist says I shouldn't discuss it with strangers.
Good question.
I would say I'm a 9.9999 out of ten.
3.Question THREE. What is the best ramen noodles?
Nongshim Shin ramyun, OF COURSE. How dare you question my knowledge?!
Nissin cup noodles.
Maruchan instant lunch chicken flavor.
4.FOuR. How to improve your photography skills?
I take pictures of snails in grass and pretend they're in a huge greeny forest.
I also follow @sheld0n_d0go on instagram
I also also follow @nikta_radish on instagram
I also also just gave my dog a treat right now for being a good furry potatoe. And I took a photo of him. Wow, how my photograpy skills have improved
5.Did you like my quiz ( i wants some statistics, thank you) sorry it was short.